Obligiatory Intro post

Jun 07, 2005 06:39

Where to begin. I guess I should just do the basic intro of who all's in here.

Alixx That's me. I'm the primary front, and I've been in the body for all its life, as far as I can tell. lol I'm 30 years old, married, bisexual. I've got a bit of a stutter, and I also have some body image issues.

Jaysin He came out first, although he appears VERY infrequently. Until recently, we just called him "Psycho" cause we didn't have another name for him. He is almost completely emotionless, and tends to show up during moments of extreme stress. He's about the same age as the body, perhaps a little younger.

Ali She's kind of hard to pin down. She is severely autistic, and at her best can barely communicate with more than yes or no. At her worst, she's almost completely catatonic and unable to function on her own. She usually falls somewhere in between though and likes to play with toys. She seems to be in her early 20s, although she slides some down to childhood.

Rana Pronounced "rain-a". She seems to be the only one in here who can get anything out of Ali, and has kind of taken on the role of Ali's protector/caregiver. She's the most outgoing of all of us though, and unlike everyone else, LOVES being the center of attention. She's the youngest too, only a young teenager about 13 or 14.

We're pretty sure there's at least one or two more in here, but we haven't been able to verify that. Yet.

Anything else ya wanna know? :) It's good to be here.


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