the pros of being sick

Jun 13, 2011 00:17

title: the pros of being sick
rating: pg-13
genre: fluff, fail comedy, slight romance
pairing: infinite/rainbow, sungyeol/hyunyoung

I think this is like the only fluff I have ever written & the only attempt at comedy... I guess. The only comedy part is where she nags so much, other then that I don't think it's meant to be funny at all :3 More romance? idk. ENJOY! 827 words, non-beta

The sun's burning rays knocking on everyone's windows, the sounds of birds cheeping to each other, promising their love, the slight breeze that you could feel slightly touch against your skin... It was a perfect spring-becoming-summer day. Everybody was feeling peaceful and nobody could feel too-


...spoke too soon.

Lee Sungyeol was lying in bed, alone, sick. He wasn't in too good of a mood. All his other members were out in schedules, but here he was with a bunch of tissues lying around him. Nothing could possibly make his day turn upside down and into good.

"Sungyeol-ah~ I'm here!"

In through his door came a short, petite girl carrying a bunch of things in her hands and a mask covering her mouth and nose. I guess she didn't want to get a cold. I mean, she was the main vocal in her group, without her the group wouldn't know who to count on for vocals. When he's sick nobody really cares because anybody can easily take his 11 word parts.

"Hyunyoung-ah, don't you have any schedules?"

She pulled up his computer chair and sat next to his bed, looking at him worryling.

"Not yet. In about two hours I have to go pitch for the Giants, but until then I'm totally free so I decided to visit you with some soup because I heard you were sick."

She took out a bowl from the many bags she brought and propped him up, sticking it in his face.

"I made it myself. It should help you feel a little better... hopefully."

Sungyeol pushed it down from in front of his eyes and took it from her.


Hyunyoung looked around at his messy bed and kind of messed up room. She quickly stood up and started cleaning and putting away anything else that could possibly make him feel sicker than he already is.

"Didn't I tell you to take care of your body more? I mean eat your greens Lee Sungyeol! I can't believe you can be such a choding in something as important as eating healthily. And what did I tell you about just leaving your clothes out like this? The germs on it could easily get to your precious body and make you feel sick! And what about all this dust, I mean-"


"It could seriously get all stuck in your body and make you cough and sneeze all the time. And then look at yourself? It looks like you haven't taken a shower in days! I mean I know you're sick but isn't showering a much? Anyway, I'll let you go on that one because I can tell you aren't feeling so well but-"


"I am seriously going to get you into the bathtub for you to take one of your choding baths. I have not seen anybody your age take a bath. Doesn't everybody start taking showers at like the age of 9? Aigoo, what will I do with you Sungyeol? I mean you look horrible right now and I can't do anything about you. If I could I'd like to be sick for you but you know God doesn't let that happen and-"


Hyunyoung's head jerked towards his direction, surprised at his suddent outburst.

"I'm not a little kid, I can take care of myself perfectly well."

She gave him one of her I-don't-believe-a-word-you-just-said face. "If you could take care of yourself so well, you wouldn't be in bed right now with the sniffles and a headache would you?"

"Well, I guess-"

"Exactly. Now, eat your soup while I finish cleaning up here."


After a while Sungyeol finished his soup and turned to Hyunyoung only to find her asleep on Sungjong's bed. He lightly laughed at the cute sight of him and used all his strength to tuck her into his bed fully.

He lovingly stared at her then pushed her bangs back and planted a light kiss on her forehead. He was glad to have someone like her by his side no matter how much she could nag at him.

- -

"Hyunyoung-ah! YAH! You have to go pitch for-"


Woori snapped her head to the direction of the familiar voice to find exactly who she was expecting.

"Noona, Sungyeol is sleeping for all I know so do you mind keeping your voice down a little? You can just go in and get Hyunyoung noona yourself."

"Oops, sorry."

She smiled her "I'm sorry" smile and lightly slipped into Sungyeol's room only to find Hyunyoung tucked in and Sungyeol at her side sleeping as well.

"So are they sleeping- Oh."

"Oh is right Myungsoo. This picture just looks too precious to wake up..."

"But then who's going to pitch?"

"We'll be sure to find a replacement... Hey!"

"Yes, noona?"

"You want to teach me how to pitch?"

Myungsoo smiled at her and leaded her out, silently closing the door to leave the beautiful couple in peace.

pairing: sungyeol/hyunyoung

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