Jul 06, 2008 22:39
This is my first RP-related update in a loooonnggg time. Why? Because I'm getting fed up. x.x I try and mind my own business, well to an extent, LOL, but I keep seeing more and more people ranting about the same problem and it's driving me mad. I guess this doesn't make me any better, I guess it makes me a hypocrite as here I am, updating about the same damn thing lol.
People are all snarly about Lotus stealing a website template from Kovo/Morgan... I can't remember who's it was. :x And as a result, Twilight Vale is getting shit on. That's what pisses me off. I couldn't care less about the rest, I played messenger as to hopefully avoid any drama, but I guess that was a long shot. Things definitely wouldn't have been drawn out this much if the E.M members hadn't came and spammed T.V's channels, I know that for a fact. It's those little acts of immaturity that make matters worse, it always is. Trust me, I'm amazing at doing just that. And as everyone knows, yeah, I did that. I always did it. It took me a bit of growing up, but I realized that dragging shit like that out just makes you look stupid. =/ I lost a bit of respect for E.M in general when they came in with the bright yellow spam. As if everyone in T.V knew the template was stolen, like come on. Obviously it wouldn't be up if we did. I don't understand why problems between individuals have to become group problems. That's where drama comes from people, not minding your own damn business. Everyone preaches about hating drama and not wanting anything to do with it... well fuck, don't cause it then.
Lotus has a bad past, full of lying and deceit. Many websites have the same basic template as the "stolen" T.V one, honestly. But given her past, I do believe it's very likely that the template coding was stolen, as well as the duplicate coding errors. I know certain people are at the point of not giving a benefit of the doubt, which is understandable, but those same people should also know by now that causing a great big scene about it, won't change anything. It'll just drag up drama, and it will just escalate, as it has. I'm not saying Lotus stole the site, but I'm not saying she didn't either. I don't really have an opinion of it all, and I'm not sided, I'm just an innocent T.V member who is pissed at all the shit we're getting.
Shit we have nothing to do with. Shit that has nothing to do with us. Yeah, it's T.V's website, and as members of T.V it's "ours" as well... But come on, we have just as much control over the website as you all do. =/ And for god's sake, it's a website. It's not even what's important. We all love wolves, we all love roleplaying, and we all love our pack. If you think about it, we're all just trying to do the same thing here. x.x Have fun and enjoy our wolf families. I understand that a website is the master's work, and it is their art... But it's a template. It's where the god damn boxes are. @.@; No images were stolen, no pack names were stolen. I'll admit, I look at the Source of other peoples' websites to code mine. I suck at HTML, that's the only way I can do it, is by seeing how others' have theirs set up, and what type of code they use to do what. I'm a visual learner, that's the only way it makes sense to me. ;x
As for people ragging on Kasie because of all this... What the fuck. =/ She's just as at fault as the rest of the T.V members are... we're not involved. <.<; Yeah, Kasie is T.V's alpha, but did she design the website? No. Does she even know that much about HTML? ... no. xD ... but seriously, everyone just needs to back off. So she let Lotus into our family. That suddenly makes her all these bad things you all claim she is? No, it doesn't. I can think of a certain some-wolf who let Lotus into her pack numerous times before. She got shit for it too, but she learned from it and moved on. Maybe Lotus has changed, maybe she has not. There's only one way to know for sure, eh? And I'm sure upon reading that statement the instant reaction is: "OMG SHE PROVED SHE NOT CHANGED BAI STEELINZ THA LAYOUT!!!!111oneone" ... but as I said before, there's not REALLY that much hard evidence. Yeah, I've seen the two sites side-by-side, but I could add a third and even a fourth website to look at, that would have the same basic layout: Image at the top, navigation on the left with an image above it, body in the center. :/
All I'm saying is, people need to simmer down. -_-; I'm sick of having my family's name tarnished. I can understand where everyone is coming from, but it's not worth the drama. Honestly. It's not worth it.