I... don't really use this journal much. I am of course going to keep it online; there's too much fic here for me to even consider taking it down. I do still write fic, though I haven't written much in a while; you can find all of that and keep track of what I post at my AO3,
here. I have a resolution this year to write at least a tiny bit every day, so hopefully I'll be posting more things. I'm pretty sure all of my old fic is up on there and easily searchable, except for any of my lotrips fic, which I was just too lazy to transfer over. I do want to do that eventually, but. meh. There's not really a huge demand for it over there, I don't think.
I spend most of my time on
twitter talking about Supernatural and J2. I've also gotten addicted (again) to
tumblr, which you can check out if you like a mish-mash of a ton of different fandoms (but primarily SPN and dogs and porn).
A tiny bit of a real life update, if anyone still even looks at LJ...
I have a real, actual, grown-up job (oh my god), and a real, actual, grown-up apartment (oh my god), and I still can't quite believe I'm a real, actual grown-up. I spend all of my time either around teenagers or at home with my fluffy baby, marathoning shows I've already seen. I'm living in southern Florida for the foreseeable future, and I kind of hate that there are no seasons. I've lived here for almost six months and I still haven't fully unpacked. (Then again, I went grocery shopping yesterday and still haven't put everything away.)
So, yeah, to anyone maybe wondering: I didn't grow out of fandoms and fanfic, but I did kind of grow out of LJ. I think a lot of people did. I miss it sometimes, but more than my own journal, I miss the community of fandoms and friends I had here. Luckily a lot of it carried over to twitter, but both that and tumblr are just different. Ah, I'm just feeling nostalgic.
Take care, have fun, I'll check back at some point whenever I remember. ♥