much-needed update?

Nov 07, 2008 10:28

I believe a few of you know of my sudden and increasing love for My Chemical Romance, but that's not been the only reason for my LJ absence lately (though it has contributed). I've actually been really busy these past few weeks, with midterms and my boyfriend coming down for a visit, and Halloween (which is apparently a huge deal here at SCAD. It goes on for like, a week before and after the 31st, in all seriousness), not to mention my continued battle over transfer credits with the admissions people.

Classes are going pretty well, and I've registered for next quarter already (Color Theory, Art History II, and Public Speaking), but because they're so project-based, it takes a lot of time to do homework. It has been pretty awesome having art projects as homework, though, I must admit. Class was cancelled yesterday, and my entire hall was so happy about it... We all slept in, and I slept for ELEVEN HOURS. It was amazing. I've been staying up far too late and waking up far too early lately.

There's also some drama going on with my friends, mostly involving my roommate and her now-ex-boyfriend, and Mike's immaturity with drinking and drugs getting my my nerves. Other than that, though, I've been getting closer to some of the people I really like, and I don't feel like as much of an outsider, which is definitely a good feeling. I spent all yesterday with one of my roommates, and that was really fun. We get along really well, even though we're so different.

In fandom news, I'm now obsessed with My Chem, after a looooong period of me resisting bandom and half of my f-list falling hard for it. So now I've fallen hard, oh so hard. I've been reading some amazing fics, watching youtube religiously, and even writing bandom fic. I've also signed up for slashababy, and I'm nowhere near abandoning lotrips, so don't worry about that. I'm still just as in love with Dom as I ever was, although I do wish I could see some of what he's been working on recently. I got used to seeing him almost every week during Lost, and now all these movies and things are in various stages of production and not even getting wide-releases... *sigh* I just miss him. Which kind of explains me falling in love with Gerard, Frank, and Mikey, I guess.

So basically, the point of this post is: I'm sorry I've disappeared from LJ so much. I'm still reading, but not commenting, which is bad of me, and I'm sooooorry. I don't like being non-posty, I like posting a lot, but I really haven't had time to sit down and write a real post. I haven't even had time to write in my physical journal. But I'm going home in two weeks, and once I get back home, I'm going to be bored out of my mind. And probably posting a lot. So be prepared. :D In the meantime, I love you all, sorry again for not commenting, and I will talk to you soon. ♥

mikey way, frank iero, mcr, dominic monaghan, music, scad, gerard way, bandom, fandom, school, rl, writing, lotrips

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