
Feb 27, 2008 12:54

am officially sick. most likely with the flu. and i think i was having auditory hallucinations last night. it sounded like someone walking over gravel with plastic grocery bags on top, so kinda crinkly and stuff. but the footsteps never faded away, so it was like someone walking in place. and none of the rest of my family heard it, so. O.o am on drugs now.

i was so dead yesterday afternoon that i completely forgot to do my online physics homework. oooops. and today i have 2 writing thingies due, which i haven't started. more oops. but at least my italian test was postponed until monday, and physics was easy today because he just drew a bunch of stupid-looking pictures on the board and didn't really explain much. but now i've eaten some soup, i have 'the archer' on my kindle, and am gonna go take a nap.

oh, yesterday, my physics teacher came out of the classroom and started talking to me and cute physics guy (we'd been chatting for a while), and he started telling us about learning the building blocks that'll be useful throughout the series of classes (of which there are 3) and i felt guilty about not taking the class next quarter, like, really guilty, but then i thought about how i've been doing so far and it almost erases my guilt. because seriously, i can't take another class with this guy, about this subject. it's just not happening.

also, i've been thinking about going friends-only. fic will remain public, of course. but i think i'm seeing the appeal of f-locking. something to think about, anyway.

school, class: engl 233, class: ital 102, lj, rl, class: phys 114, health

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