blah blah life *sniffles*

Feb 25, 2008 23:44

okay, so I registered for classes. Italian 103, King Arthur, and Intro to Sex & Sexuality. I think. stupid bookstore won't let me look up the textbooks yet, though, which sucks. and there's a minor flaw in my plan: the King Arthur one is online, and I currently hate Vista Blackboard with a fiery passion.

god, I'm tired. I had to leave early today to get a form signed and turned in, and of course the "visitor and staff" parking lot near the door was all filled up with staff; no room for visitors. what kind of sense does that make, I ask you? the only empty spots were waaaaay in the back of the school, and when I finally got into the office, I was all set to be pissy and annoyed, but the guy's just so damned cheerful, I couldn't help but be nice. >.< LOL

*sneezes* I have a sore throat and am sneezing and have a runny nose and am tired and lethargic. I think I'm getting sick. blaaahhh. *headdesk*

ok, and how many fics do I have in progress at the moment? about 13 that I'm still enthusiastic about. MADNESS, I TELL YOU. 4 of those are currently open on my computer, so I've been dabbling at them. also, I'll take this moment to pimp monaboyd_month, because it looks like it's gonna be awesome. the whole month is gonna be like one big monaboyd party. :P I think it's a fantastic idea.

oh, I got my portfolio together. am missing 2 photos, and one needs to be redone because it's blurry. *sigh* why can't stuff like this just be easy? they don't give near enough guidelines, either. it'd be better for them to say a format and stuff, but NOOOooooOOOooo. >.<

ooookay, my eyes can't focus anymore. I need to go to bed. shit, the fucking trash, dammit. okay, take the trash out, and then go to bed.

and omg that 5 favorites music meme I've been tagged for by a few people? VERY HARD TO DECIDE.

school, scad, to do list, writing, rl, health

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