adventures in driving

Jan 09, 2008 00:35

1) snow on the roads this morning. mom drove me to school (and therefore picked me up as well).
2) dad called, said he's going to the doctor's office; hospital as a possibility. (kidney stone)
3) had to go with mom and sister to sister's humane society thing, and then to the doctor's office to get my dad's car.
4) drove dad's car home, while my mom and dad went to the hospital. (then I watched some tv, and when I got into the car again and realized I hadn't done any homework, I literally said "well, that was dumb" out loud to myself. how idiotic am I? very.)
5) went to pick up sister from the humane society; drove home.
6) drove sister and dog to agility class, a place I'd never been before. by this time, it was raining quite a lot and very dark.
7) realizing I wouldn't have enough time after the class to finish my homework (DUE AT 9pm), I tried to find a library. having no idea where I was was a bit of a problem; cue me jumping over about 3 lanes in the space of 2 seconds when I finally spotted the library. thank the lord it was brightly lit and OBVIOUS.
8) drove back to dog class (after finishing homework, yay!) and waited around in the freezing cold.
9) drove home, finally, and had dinner. FINALLY.
10) having had quite enough for one day, I'm going to bed.

tomorrow: Italian, Physics (short class), home, homework.

also; I'm down 2 lbs from my first weigh-in at the start of the year (which had put me back up to where I started, sadly enough). hopefully re-losing some of that weight won't be so difficult.

school, ww, rl, class: phys 114, random

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