
Jan 08, 2008 08:19

have you ever had that scenario where you're not quite awake and you don't want to get into the shower, you just want to go back to bed, but then once you actually get in the shower, you don't want to leave because the water's wonderfully warm and it's cold in the house and there's snow outside? yeah, that would be me this mornings. a few mornings this week, actually.

also, i seem to have misplaced my black eyeliner... brown just isn't as good.

stupid physics lab. he gave us, like, no guidelines for the actual report. just references: appendices B, D, E, & F. those don't say how to create the report, those say how to analyze the graph. i know how to do that. *headdesk*

eta: and where the fuck's my fucking coat?! sld;kjflskdjasf

school, rl, class: phys 114

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