post of great crappiness

Nov 25, 2007 22:13

so, on thanksgiving i was going to do a post of great yay which included birthday wishes for my lovely brainspouse, semi-gushing reviews of 2 fantastic movies, and other such happy things. but no, i forgot, and now it's several days later, and a ton of utter crap just came up. well, not just, but i'm just now realizing it.

piece of bad news number 1: i have an "assertiveness journal" that i have to turn in by the... 3rd, i think. or the 6th, but i'm pretty sure it's the 3rd. anyway, i have a couple of genuine things to write in it, but i haven't been, so i have a feeling i'm going to be using some of my creativity and inventing a few more. >.<

bad thing number 2: in that class, i found out that i won't get a letter grade. FUCK THAT. i still have to write the extremely assertive and polite DON'T FUCK WITH ME email to the teacher, before it's too late. i'm hoping that'll get me the damn letter grade right there. i'm pretty pissed off about that. i was like THE ONLY ONE who actually participated in the class. OMG *STRANGLES THIS GUY*

and number 3: i have a math quiz tomorrow. hopefully i've done about half of the homework, but even if i have, i still have to finish the other assignment by tomorrow. and if i haven't, well, i'll have to do TWO assignments tonight. OMG I SUCK

number 4: after a fantastic (but not quite up to my goal) 4500 word day yesterday, i wrote a whopping 76 words today. oh jeez. that's pathetic. i didn't even make it to a hundred, wtf! i have like, a quarter-page of handwritten stuff to type up, mostly dialogue. that should get me to about 110 or so. lol. it sucks that i have such trouble if i don't have an idea, but if i am inspired and i start writing something, i can usually continue on like, forever, it seems like. although about 2000 of yesterday's wordcount was a completely extraneous sex scene that i hadn't planned AT ALL. ROFL

number 5: hopefully my italian group won't be too... expectant tomorrow. i haven't written anything down, but i DO have some stuff to say, it's just all in my head. i'm going to describe my fictional new apartment. it has a very small balcony and a few large windows, and no dining room, just a kitchen. also, a very cozy studio/office. :D i swear, i got the easiest role in the skit. :P

number 6-ish: i worked a bit on my newest painting the other day and it got like, 2 billion times worse. it's freaking me out. srsly. and i haven't really had the heart to touch it again, because i'm sure it'll only get even worse, if that's possible. on the flip side, i sketched out a tiny little comic that i want to finesse a bit. it's adorable in my mind, but not so much on paper, yet. >.<

and now for some good news... watched episode 12 of torchwood today. captain jack harkness. pretty much the whole time i was like IANTOOOO. and OMG JAAAACK. and other such squealing noises. OMG IANTO/OWEN FIGHT FTW. owen's so mean though, wtf. poor ianto. the boss' (adorablesexyawesome) bit on the side. heee

does this count as a good thing? i've been reading porn like, nonstop all weekend. O.o some good, some not so good, and some where the authors didn't quite know how to form sentences.... yeah, that wasn't fun. but the rest was.

i drew a picture of a crawler from the citadel, and i was going to post it, but i haven't yet. i did scan it in, though. but then i sent the scan to tony's brother, who's in animation, and he said he'll see what he can do with it. so if he gets back to me with a 3D picture of it, i will post them both together.

i wanted to post so many things, but i just haven't. >.< things i will get around to posting sometime soon: review of August Rush (OMGADORABLE, I LOVED), review of Brokeback Mountain (which i FINALLY saw and OMG LOVED. OH MY GOD.), writing technique questions for all of you writers, a meme or 2, and.. OH right, a picspam! duh. ok. so, eventually, alright? okay. i'd better get to my math homework before i turn into a zombie.

also, ps: i still have Apologize on repeat omg. it's the ONLY song i've listened to while writing the citadel. and wtf, the movie Armageddon still kinda makes me cry. :(

oh, pps: did i tell you i've registered for next quarter's classes now? physics, italian II, writing fiction, and that's it so far. should i do a human development course on humour or do something with my robotics/interview guy to fill in the extra credits?

class: ital 101, tv: torchwood, school, wtf, class: hd 173, to do list, posting, nano 07, rl, writing, co-op: art, class: math 120

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