Movie Review: Apocolypto

Oct 16, 2007 23:22

I watched Mel Gibson's Apocolypto. It was beautiful. Stunning. The colours were vibrant, sharp, and rich and clear when they needed to be, but blurry when they didn't. The costumes and makeup were amazing and so very detailed. The gore wasn't actually too bad, at least not for my tastes. From what I'd heard, I'd expected it to be worse, and to tell the truth, it was pretty gory and disgusting, but it wasn't enough to really bother me.

I can't decide whether I like or dislike the whole language thing. I think I felt the same way for The Passion of the Christ: the use of language really made it seem authentic, but the subtitles detracted somewhat from the experience. The visual part was so amazing, but you kept having to look down to read what the characters were saying. I'm not saying it would've worked better in English, but at least then you wouldn't have to look away from the action, right?

The story was simplistic, but it worked out nicely. My family laughed at the "I am walking here" line, and later on my dad commented that it was like Die Hard, where the good guy was just picking off the bad guys one by one. LOL

Also, I found it hard to keep track of the characters, especially in the beginning, because names are mentioned very rarely and when they're all running around and fighting, they look kind of the same. Throughout the whole film, I thought of the characters as "the good guy" "the bad guy" "the leader of the bad guys" "the other good guy" and so on. I was a bit surprised that pretty much all of the original villagers died! I thought that other guy would make it out.

Overall, it was really enjoyable and fantastic to watch. I liked some scenes more than others, but for the most part, it was really good.

Now the question is, is Mel Gibson ever going to make a movie in *English* and have it be as visually compelling as The Passion of the Christ and Apocolypto?

And as a side note, I watched the "making of" bonus feature and omg the clips of Mel Gibson in action were so cute. He was dancing around and being very hands-on and it just looked so fun.

movie review

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