a post of great yay!

Oct 16, 2007 19:56

there are so many things that have contributed to my insane gleefulness today. here's a few:

The Incline of Trees (formerly lotruniversity) is being updated with edited, complete posts on Tuesdays and Thursdays. *cue MASSIVE FLAILING and possible SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION*

It's confirmed: Eric Bana and Karl Urban are going to be in Star Trek together! (link via legomyarrow) For those The Archer/The Flag fans on my flist, MAJOR YAY.

push_pull_push has been updated, and OH MY GOD, if you're not reading that fic yet, YOU SHOULD BE. It is seriously hot, both this chapter and the story on the whole.

Brokeback Mountain came in the mail today, so I can FINALLY WATCH IT. (soon, anyway)

I've written a History Boys ficlet, a CSI ficlet, and a bdsm-y Monaboyd ficlet, and they all just have to be edited before I post them. \o/ Also, I posted RunAway today, which is always a source of great yay.

I think my SCAD essay is nearing completion. I sure as hell hope it is, anyway.

scad, college search, posting, love, fandom

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