school shit

Oct 10, 2007 22:02

fucking college entrance essays. i've about 375 of the required 500 words, and i dunno if it's complete crap or what. gushing about the school and my future goals (of which i'm still unsure) just doesn't sound right. i say that a lot when i'm writing essays. it's not like fiction, where it doesn't really matter what the words say as long as they flow and sound natural and make sense. i get by on writing fiction mostly be feel. essays are a load of really annoying crap that takes actual brain work. at least, my essays are.

in addition, i haven't done my math homework for tomorrow, and i had a take-home test (open book! a week to complete it!) that i haven't started yet and that i have to turn in tomorrow. oh fuckin' hell.

also, there is a really adorable guy in my studio class that i was flirting with like, the entire time. wtf. and i haven't had much of a conversation with tony in a while and that's a bit odd and i kinda miss him. :( of course, i'm sure that'll change once he gets back from wherever he is. *headdesk*

i think i should note that i'm only working on the essay for scad at the moment. drexel needs one too, as does wsu. kill me nowwwwww.

edit: okay, i have 2 more rants. 1) lj, what the fuck is going on with my layout? it's like... not adjusting properly. stupid lj problems. and 2) i've not lost any more weight in a while. i am a carb queen. >.< my mom figures my after-school headaches are from sugar withdrawal. ugh.

tony, scad, ww, class: video 218, to do list, rant, college search, lj, writing, class: math 120, health

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