Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Reactions

Aug 13, 2007 15:31

(from 7-26-07)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

FRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FUCKING KNEW SNAPE WAS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! LUPIN!! Marauders all ghostly-like!!! EVERYTHING EXPLAINED!!! but, FRED OMFG. That was the main death that I wasn’t satisfied with. I mean, the death was fine, but George’s reaction wasn’t, in my opinion. he just lost his fucking TWIN, and there’s only, like, two mentions of him afterward. kneeling by Fred’s head and something else I can’t remember. NOT ENOUGH. for me, anway. LUPIN and TONKS, though!! and their kid!!! I wanna know who raised him. Tonks’s mom? their deaths were a little unexplained too; I’d have liked more with that. but OMG DH IS FINISHED. SO SAD. :(

ETA: oh yeah, go and vote in the Men of Middle Earth Awards, people!

hp, book review

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