a few loose ends

Aug 10, 2007 16:08

First off, thank you soooo much to whoever nominated one of my fics at the MOME Awards. ♥!!! I hadn't even thought about awards or anything like that, so again, thank you very much for the nomination. It means quite a lot to me. :)

Well, I'm now back from vacation, but you wouldn't know it by my LJ activities, would you? So, a general sort of update about my trip (not in chronological order, mind you): SCAD was awesome and it's now my top choice of school (except it was hot, but even that wasn't as bad as I was expecting); Drexel was alright, but not exactly... right. *shrug*; spending time with my dad's extended family was fantastic (mom's side of the family was mostly-fun, but annoying and boring at times. >.<); spending time with Tony (and David) was really great fun, especially the fact that I got to be with them on my birthday and we could just hang out and go out to movies and play poker late into the night and stuff.

General update for back home: haven't unpacked yet; being on the east coast did NOT help jetlag-wise as it should have done, which is quite annoying, really, because I was hoping waking up early wouldn't be so hard now; already starting schoolwork, specifically, SAT prep and Geometry and anything else my mom wants to pile on; classes are starting entirely too soon in my opinion, even though I'm starting to look forward to them - I'm just not ready yet!

And finally, a note for today, I've finally finished reading Lord of the Rings. WOO. And then I watched the end of RotK from the scene right before "The Eagles are coming!" on to the end, and then I just had to watch some of the DVD extras. So yeah, I spent about 2 hours doing all that. But now it's all over and I can finally say I've finished the books. I loved how Merry was all heroic and 'take-charge' in The Scouring of the Shire. Very cool.

Anyway, that's all for now. I've had astoundingly little time to mess around on the computer and do some of the things that I said I would, which really sucks, but hopefully that'll change soon, once I get into more of a routine. I'm sloooowly catching up on some of the new fics or new chapters of fics that have been posted, which is fun, but I feel so behind. >.<

Also, Raquel, we had more luck of being online at the same times when I was on vacation than now!! I miss youuuu.

tony, lotr, brainspouse, random, school, college search, rl, co-op: lotr lit

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