
May 14, 2007 17:37

done with biology omgyay!

more to come.

eta: the day

woke up at 5:30. someone pls tell me I never have to do that again. >.< phone alarm = wtf LOUD omg.

showered, dressed, brushed teeth, felt a bit sick - but not from anxiety, just from being sick. which can either be taken as a good thing or a bad thing. O.o

played around on the piano for a few minutes. that was nice. ate a bagel and took dayquil pills in the car. last ones in the box.. *sad* *coughsneezecough*

got to the place. is it a bit ironic to anyone else that the biology test (in which they really push evolution) is given in a church, or is it just me? I thought that was a bit amusing. anyways. met up with my friend, but we were the only three (me, her, and my sis) of the six people in the group there at the moment. well, not the ONLY people there. there were about three gazillion public school kids. *covers ears* wtf, why so noisy?

finally got let in to the main room. sat down, waited for group-mates. noise level rose considerably. >.<

finally group-mates showed up. proctor guy talked to us 'cause we're special homeschoolers, and he gave us slightly different instructions. public school kids: NO RESPECT for the proctor guy. v. sad. and noisy.

took the test. not too horrible. sworn to secrecy, though. "you can't talk about the multiple choice questions. EVER." ahahahahaha, everybody kinda laughed at that. >.< broke my oath as soon as I stepped out of the building, as you will see. lol

took a break. had a vague discussion with group-mates, but mostly about the noisy noisy public schoolers, because we weren't allowed to say anything about the test at all. >.<

went back in for the essay section. opened the booklet. immediately looked at my friend with a "OMGWTF" face. she looked back at me with an identical expression. lol tried my best to answer the WTF questions. did horribly. probably. had no clue what i was talking about. probably got about 2 pts out of 10. >.<

finally finished. got let out. discussed noise level some more. the one guy in the group gave use each 3 big huge king-sized bars of hershey's chocolate. he = awesome. \o/ he obviously knows what girls want. lol

went to applebees. discussed test with teacher, group-mates, and the moms. also discussed college classes. apparently two other people in my biology group are going to take italian next quarter, so it looks like I'll be doing that too, instead of german. I might even be in a class with one of them!

left applebees. friend's little brother did not want to leave, and it took the entire group to herd him out. lol

talked a bit more in the parking lot. also talked about art classes (bio teacher = art teacher also). on friday, we are going to batik (dye/bleach/tie-dye) t-shirts. my plan is to make a tree of Gondor (with the 7 stars) stenciled onto a black shirt with bleach. hopefully it'll turn out okay.

got in the car. discussed test some more with sis and mom. went out to a movie - Spidey 3!!!

ate one of the chocolate bars in the movie. only us and one other family were in there, which was cool. and the other family was late, so for a while it was just me, my sis, and my mom. so we were like, whispering loudly and putting our feet on the seats and stuff. LOL 'twas fun.

got out of the movie. came home. cleaned house a bit. set Dom on Leno to record tonight, because I dunno if I'll be able to watch it live. also, dad is bringing home more dayquil! *sneezecough*

now I have to skim a psych chapter and take a quiz before 11pm. >.< but then I'm free for the night! kinda. I also have one "rhetorical analysis" due by wednesday, and I don't even know what that entails. oops. actually, I have a ton of stuff to do. but NOT TONIGHT. tonight is for relaxing. and possibly writing. :D and definitely reading. lol

so, that was my day, up to this point. Spidey review coming up shortly. :D

eta2: hahaha, i ROCK. i barely skimmed through the psych chapter, but i took the 2 practice quizzes (didn't do very well), and then took the graded quiz, and i fucking ACED it. *\o/* this is not reinforcing good study habits..... LOL

school, dominic monaghan, class: engl 271, to do list, rl, class: psych 100, co-op: biology

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