May 13, 2007 22:01
I'm seriously going to stop posting twenty times a day. Really, I am. just. not yet. lol last one of the night, I promise.
- phone's completely run out of batteries. hopefully it will be charged enough by tomorrow morning.
- I'M completely run out of batteries. >.< taking one pill tonight instead of two because I don't wanna be fuzzy in the morning. down to the last set of dayquil for tomorrow... hopefully it'll last through the whole test. wouldn't want to start coughing and sneezing right at the end. >.<
- one last practice test tonight, then I have to wake up at 5:30 or 6 in time to leave at 7 in time for the test at 8 (I think).
- I just found out that WSU will count a grade of 3 as biology credit, which is a requirement for that college, so IF I get a 3 or better and IF I end up going to that school (probably not, but it's gonna be a safe school, I think), I will exempt out of biology. which is a VERY GOOD THING.
it ends here tonight. is that from a Howie Day song? NO, it's from an evanescence song. which I haven't listened to in forever. >.< actually, for me it ends tomorrow morning, but 'tonight' sounds more poetic.
Jill, I saw your post but haven't had time to read it yet! I'll reply tomorrow after I get home. :)
ps: hahahaha, my current music is "hope fails" >.< how bloody ironic.
goodnight, f-list. hopefully I will survive tomorrow. see you on the flip side.
college search,
co-op: biology,