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Aug 20, 2006 02:21

I noticed the other day that I hadn't updated my word count file in about five fics, so I did that the other night. Then kaalee posted her rec-yourself post again, and I started thinking about the stories that I've written and so forth, and the result is that, although I should put my cold to bed, I'm posting.

The total story count right now is at 77 fics, 8 of which are novels, several more of which are novellas (depending on your classification of a novella). 76 are HP fics (5 HP/SS, 1 HP/LM, 2 HP/DM/SS, 1 HP/BW, 1 HP/everybody (pretty much!), 1 HP/RW, 1 George/Lee, 1 Voldemort/Darth Vader, 1 RL/SS, 2 SF/BZ, 1 Snape-centric gen, and 69 HP/DM :P), and the other one is Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert. Total word count at present, not counting any of my three works in progress: 1,370,260 words. Of those 77 stories, picking your top three is always really difficult.

The three I pimped on kaalee's post are:

Walking the Line (novel)
Agnus Dei (long one-shot)
Resistance (long one-shot)

If I could another few, then these might comprise my list of favourites, along with the first three:

Old City Jasmine (long one-shot)
Allegiance and Sedition (novel)
In the Room of Requirement/Memory (set of two one-shots)
On the Wings of the Storm (novel)

I choose these not because I necessarily think they're the best, but they're my favourites. I have a particular love for post-Hogwarts settings and I really like war stories, too. Enough of that, though: what I want to do is start a meme. Paying attention? Good. :)

Here's what you do:

I want you to go to your own journal and rec three of your least-appreciated stories, as you see it. By this, I don't mean your three worst-written (because God knows we all have those!), but three that you think are at about the same level as the rest of your stories but which, for whatever reason, have been somewhat overlooked in comparison to some of your other stories. It's a "pimp the underdog fic" sort of a meme, if you will.

Here are my three offerings:

Pairing: HP/DM
Rating/Length: R; 9,256 words
Warnings: Minor character deaths
What I like about it: I have a thing for stories where people get back together again after a bitter break-up, and I like it if you have to work for it. That's pretty much what happens here, and I was also in love with the setting (which belongs to Scotland!). :)

Pairing: DM/HP
Rating/Length: NC-17; 6,691 words
Warnings: Spoilers for HBP
What I like about it: This story is based and set around In the Room of Requirement, which is a short story set during HBP. The original story ends with a memory being erased from Harry's mind while Draco retains the same memory. This story is written from Draco's perspective and the fact that he has the memory while Harry doesn't is what gives it something of a bitter dynamic. Of all the stories I have ever written, I lived in this one very intensely during the writing.

Better Things
Pairing: HP/DM
Rating/Length: NC-17; 11,164 words
Warnings: Slight HP/RW at the beginning
What I like about it: This is an older one! The prequel to this story is a little Harry/Ron fic I wrote called Good Things, which is not needed (though probably helpful) for the reading of this one. The prequel was an experiment for me to see if I could persuade myself that Harry/Ron could work for me, and this story essentially puts things back where they belong, as I saw it. I rather like the version of Draco that this story came up with, and the dynamics between Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all interesting to write, too. Hermione has been estranged from Harry and Ron since they got together at the end of their seventh year, and a lot of this story is about Ron trying to sort out his feelings for Harry versus his feelings for Hermione, while Harry struggles to figure out what exactly it is that he wants.

So, go and rec yourselves at kaalee's journal, and then rec your under-loved stories on your own! :) (Link me to the second in the comments, if you like.) ♥
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