Oct 23, 2007 12:33
Depression is creeping up on me. He's been on the prowl for days now, and I'm not sure how much longer I can run. My entire world is in shades of gray; there's no sunlight today. It's cloudy and rainy and I have many things I should be doing. I don't want to go to the cafeteria because I don't want to talk to anyone. I'd have to pretend to be cheerful, and I really don't feel like doing that right now.
I want to hide. I want to find a hole and live in it. I don't want anyone to see me, talk to me, smile at me. I don't want to hear people talking in the halls. I want to cut all my hair off before I pull it out. I'm tired of seeing hair everywhere because I keep pulling it out. I want to sleep, but I'm not tired. I'm nobody and I feel nothing. I want to find my room keys but so far, no luck.
I want many things. My mind is getting eating alive by the force of wanting. All I can think about is what I don't have or haven't done. t When I look in the mirror, I see what I'm not.
Hell isn't going to be firey. It's going to be cold, wet, and gray just like it is in the Great Divorce. The sun will never shine and the wind will howl. There won't be any color and you'll never be warm. Hell is what lives inside my mind, and it doesn't want to go away.