I need a cuddly pet. I was sitting here reading my flist and Paris nudged my foot with her nose and laid down beside me. I scratched her on the head and got off the couch so I could give her some loving, because she rarely sits still long enough to be petted. As soon as my feet hit the ground she leaped up and ran to the door, probably thinking "Yay! She's up! Now we can go for a walk!"
Half of the Crew came over last night with some friends. It was really nice to see them again. I miss my friends. :( I wish I hadn't been so tired. I was exhausted by 6:00 for some reason, so I barely talked all night (not that that's unusual for me).
I'm going to my aunt's house today for Thanksgiving. I'll be seeing my cousin's baby boy for the first time, and it's been a long time since I've seen her or her other two kids. It's going to be fun.
Happy Thanksgiving!