Sep 05, 2020 17:54
So I finished Yuri on Ice yesterday and IT'S THE GREATEST THING EVER. Seriously, it's a top contender for best anime ever. It feels bigger than an anime to me. It breaks all sorts of barriers and boxes. I've never watched an anime like it. I've never watched anything like it. It was just so good. I need to come up with a Ten List of why you should watch Yuri on Ice or why Yuri on Ice is probably one of the best anime ever. I'll give you one for now though: someone said it's one of the greatest love story ever told, and I agree <3 <3 <3
But first! Since I'm on a roll (and since I only have a week left until teaching starts so I'm trying to cram as much sports anime as I can't because I know there won't be time once I'm back in the classroom), I started Kuroko no Basket, which is a sports anime about basketball.
Okay, I've only been watching sports anime for a week, but already, I got used to the idea that that sports was about boys expressing their love for other through physical activity (hehe). I watched men and boys broadcast their feelings and affection for each other through running, through archery, and HELLA through figure skating. So I'm finished two episodes of Kuroko no Basket and have it in my head that these boys will use slam dunking as a way to signal their undying romantic and erotic love for each other.
Instead these boys slam dunk to prove who has the bigger dick. I feel like I'm watching a dick measuring contest. It's so... so... so hetero! Who knew sports could be so heterosexual?