May 22, 2004 23:01
I can't believe that I left school/Boston a month ago today. I mean some days it seems like it was yesterday, but others I feel like it had to have been four months already, right? Don't get me wrong... I love seeing everyone from home again, but at school I saw my friends everyday, and that's just not possible here and I hate it. It's great to be making double what I was in my work-study job, but I miss my boss and gossiping with her at 8am in the morning and the morning calendar jokes that put me in a good mood when I had a looong day ahead of me. But this reminds me: must write her an e-mail...
So... what have I been up to this wonderful month at home? Well I didn't last in the house long when I first got back. I was home for a night then off the next day to visit Kern at LVC (which was a time I won't soon forget :) ) Then it was off to see Shawna, who I cried with 4 days earlier when I left Boston, even though we knew we were going to see each other soon. I decided she's like a Lindsay for me in Boston, and Lindsay is a Shawna for me at home... if that makes any sense? It's that person who you run to to talk to when you've got something you're DYING to tell someone. I mean I still end up telling both of them, but when I'm in Boston I run to Shawna and call Lindsay and when I'm home I run to Lindsay and call Shawna. It's weird how over the years this person changes... Anyways, got to meet Shawna's friends from home and see Kevin James LIVE! Fun times, but then it was back to Warminster, where few people were home yet. Mary came over to watch a Flyers game with me. It was sooooo great to see her and chat for a bit. I didn't realize how much I missed her. Shawna ended up not being able to go to the Flyers game my mom got tickets to, so Mary came instead. WOW what a game!!! 7-2, with a hat-trick from Primeau. I lost my voice for a day after that one :) Went to Game four vs. Tampa Bay too, which my Fly-boys won once again!!
I started the job hunt for the summer. I was hoping to get a job at BB&B, but they weren't hiring seasonal people. So, I ended up posting on <--- just need to note that the Monster is my new best friend!! I have the best job for me EVER!! I have my own desk and a title! The pay is good and the work isn't too hard. The only downfall is that it's in King of Prussia, but the good news is that it's computer work that eventually they're going to let me do from home, which includes the company paying for three months of DSL if my mom decides to get it. PLUS... when I go back to Beantown, since it's computer work, I can still work for them! How awesome is that! They're only giving me three days a week right now, but I'm working at the Hatboro YMCA on weekends to fill that time. I'm just glad to not be bored and thinking all the time anymore.
I've also seen A LOT of movies... saw Mean Girls with Kern, funny but more stupid funny. Saw Troy with Lindsay, Brad Pitt's butt... need I say anymore??? :) Saw 13 going on 30 with Stace and Kern... cutest movie I've seen lately! And still to see: Shrek 2, Raising Helen, and of course HARRY POTTER 3!!! It was just good to get out and see people that I've been missing up at school. I <3 catching up!
Well I think I've made this one long enough...
[edit: OH YEAH!! I finally got housing figured out on Wednesday?!!?!? I have a room with SHAWNA!!! AND we're next door to our favorite pizza place, BUT we're also closer to the gym... so I'll be about even! Fall is looking better and better! :D ]