didn't realize it was under my feet until it was too late

Jul 01, 2009 22:05

I've never destroyed a piece of music in my life, with the possible exception of Walk on the Wild Side at a karaoke bar or three.  There was, however, a childhood incident brought to my attention recently.  My brother told me I once walked into our room and stepped on his 45 of Carole King's I Feel The Earth Move/It's Too Late.  He's carried this horror with him for decades and has never forgiven the trespass.  So I mailed him a copy of her Tapestry disc and wrote "We're even...GET OVER IT" on the package.

So if you ever drew a beard and Trotsky glasses on your sister's copy of Like A Virgin, or turned your brother's GI JOE collection into a paraplegic burn ward, it's not too late to fix it.


With all the celebs headed for the big sleep lately, one might have been pushed below the fold--Mollie Sugden of Are You Being Served? passed away earlier today.  Here's hoping her will contains provisos for the custody and ongoing care of her pussy.

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