Feb 03, 2004 20:13
so this week i've been trying to give chilman a slight chance, because i know chair tests are coming up and i don't want to ruin my chances at second chair.
but today, she lost any hope of respect from me, because of her blatant rudeness.
today, i was catching up with sidda to get my violin, and sara's was sticking off of the chair, well i hit it, and tried to catch it, but it landed on the floor and went out of tune. i picked it up, checked for damage, and apologized like three times before leaving the classroom very quietly. i really felt horrible.
then in the middle of class, her instrument went out of tune again, and she told that to chilman in kinda a light hearted manner, and chilman said to her: "well, it wouldn't be a problem if someone hadn't knocked it off the chair"
after she said that, i apologized to sara again, but i knew chilman had said that so i wouldn't hear, and i am so appaled at how she treated me.
so today i actually began to think about what class i could take instead of orchestra. i've never done that before. i'm disgusted with her and what's she's doing with the class.
she's trying to break away from joint concerts with the band because she doesn't want to play less pieces. in other words she wants us to sound like CRAP!
that's so annoying, because miss jensen and mrs earnest set up the concerts so the two programs would get along unlike at north canyon where they can't stand each other.
if something else like this happens, i'm changing my schedule to be an aide, because i'm not going to take anymore of this, vice president or not
high school wanking,