Jul 13, 2005 23:51
Well not too much out of the ordinary has happened recently. I haven’t updated cause I wanted to save time for the one I’ll do once I see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. But I guess this entry will be the one I’ll write now, having seen Cry Baby.
I went met Alissa at Suncoast with Hanse and we picked up our copies of Cry Baby and were excited as ever! I remember the day I found out about Cry Baby - I was like OMG! I had to tell Alissa, I wasn’t even a good friend of hers or anything - pretty much just acquaintances and stuff, and we FINALLY have it!
Hanse had to leave soon after though, because he had to work, so we gave him goodbye hugs. Alissa got a buy one get one deal at wet seal (I love it when I rhyme). And then we drove to her house to feed the bazillion dogs she happens to own. Let me tell ya - the sound of all her dogs eating simultaneously is like that of a sound I have yet to hear! I don’t know how to describe it.
Eventually we drove back to my place and ordered TJ’s Pizza and watched about half of Cry Baby - which I’d have to say has some of the best acting and definitely some of the best lines, EVER! My mom, Alissa, and myself laughed out loud at so much! It was great! We left to kucckk-Shea though, cause it was time for WEDDING CRASHERS!!!
Thanks to volition, I had an advanced screening of it and Alissa showed interest in going so I told her I’d take her. Some random lady sat right in front of us and talked to us randomly before the show started. While getting drinks, Alissa found out they’re selling WONKA BARS at the theatre now!!!! YAY! Of course before the show started they did trivia and picked all the people in the back - that’s definitely the disadvantage one gets sitting up front, they look RIGHT over you. OH WELL!!
As for the movie itself it was very, very good! I really didn’t expect too much from it, but having everything that was shown in the trailer happen within the first 15 minutes of the movie, it was AWESOME! Owen Wilson is on a good streak, cause his recent movies you can actually tell apart! You can watch his last two movies and he wont be playing the same character in them, unlike other movies of he’s been in. Judging by previews, I called this movie, “this summer’s Old School,” but the way I see it, its WAY better than Old School in every way. I’m definitely purchasing this movie when it comes to dvd! I loved it! Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson played believable best friends and it was actually “cute” how good of friends they were at times. Alissa definitely AWWWW-ed at parts of it.
Wow - just drew a blank. I forgot what happened after the screening. I know as soon as the screening was out, Hanse called me as we walked to the car (with our free theatrical posters they handed out). I think we just headed over and hung out at my house and the park some before the night was over.
Like I said, not too much out of the ordinary has happened lately. Alissa has been sad, which of course, affects me. I hate it when she’s sad, it makes me feel useless.. I just don’t know what to do. I don’t want to bring up bad/sad stuff to her, cause I don’t want her to relive anything, I want to go on to talk about better happier things and stuff. So I’m just THERE, ya know? Hopefully you do, cause I sure don’t! I hit the tip of the iceberg with her tonight though - even though it was just for a bit. I just strongly dislike it when she posts entries like her past few. I know they’re not directed towards me or anything, but it still hurts me to know she’s feeling like that - it really does. I guess its just because I want to be the one who makes everything better - the one she talks about or something. I don’t know. I’m just going to quit while I’m ahead…