It'll be the death of me, I'm tellin' ya...

Jul 09, 2005 14:45

Fantastic Four was pretty decent. It had its inevitable share of corny lines though, it didn’t take itself too serious, which I thought was kinda good.

Nothing will beat Land of the Dead when it comes to corny lines for a long time though:

*sounds of gunfire*
”what’s that noise?”
”oh, don’t worry, its just shooting practice.”
*sounds of screaming*
”oh and what’s that - screaming practice??!”

OMG. it was so bad, haha. I can’t honestly remember the last time I heard a line SO bad.

yeah, anyways.

Alissa, Sommer, Frank, Sara, and Ben went out to eat at the Elephant Bar last night. The door handles are elephants... or Sommer and myself, lol. The food wasn’t as expensive as I thought it would be, so that was good - Frank and I split a sampler platter that had various foods. They also had this really good apple/mango tea, but they had it in bottles, so we didn’t get refills, which sucked, but we’ll know next time.

We stormed zia, I took two xbox games and Eurotrip (which I watched the night before) there to get store credit. $18 for the three of them, to add to my $90 I already had there. I ended up buying As Good As It Gets and One Who Flew Over the Coo Coos Nest - not even realizing I was buying two Jack Nicholson films, hah.

At my house, I popped in the Jimmy Eat World dvd I purchased when I saw them with Billy Idol in Tucson. We watched a whole two songs before Alissa suggested Sleepy Hollow. Hanse came over about this time. I pop in Sleepy Hollow and I kid you not, 20 minutes into it, IF that - we turn it off, “lets go to the park.” lol so we got our shoes on and went to the park. Cept Sommer, he went home.

Hanse grabbed onto my feet when I was swinging and performed some sort of sexual act to me as I moaned. It was so frikin funny. To the jungle jim - in the center to sit down and talked and laughed like we normally do. One time when Alissa was lying down, I tried to steal one of her Johnny Depp pins and she sat up and I froze - she didn’t realize what I was doing, but she tried to move her bag (the pin was on the bag) and she realized what I was doin - haha, it was so funny.

Hanse dug for some gold in Frank’s butt - rofl!

Of course if you’re two feet from the edge, Alissa gets concerned that you’ll get hurt, so I had to move several times. Then we all pushed Hanse down the slide cause he said I could go, so all of us went and shoved him down - it was awesome. Then I went down right after, hahahahaha! Eventually, Hanse got a hold of her Johnny Depp pin and Alissa ran after him to get it back, but I purchased it from him at the general store (under the jungle jim) and Hanse got a handful! Hahahahahhaah!

I ran up the slide and put my feet at the sides so I’d slowly come down. My hand was reaching out towards Alissa’s hand reaching out and when they touched a HUGE shock happened - it was so funny! Pretty much we wandered around the rest of the time and since I climbed up high, we had to leave. I drove Sara’s car since she called shotgun with Alissa, so Hanse and I romped and stomped that vehicle until we got back to the apt.

We all hung out at the car since Alissa only had a few minutes - when it was time for her to go, Hanse went crazy, cause she’s always a time pressed person, so we just had to make it a big deal. When she gave goodbye hugs, she had to go over to Hanse to get one, so I hopped in the car and drove around the block. I think I upset her by doing it though, so it wasn’t too cool of a way to end the night.

I don’t know how, but I always manage to fuck shit up. Seriously, I don’t understand how or WHY but I always do. I must have some of the best friends in the world, because I don’t know how you don’t get sick of someone like me. I’m me and I’m sick of me. I dunno. That’s how I feel though, I think sometimes I get sick of myself before my friends do - but I think I just THINK about things too much and make things a big deal when they’re really not. But its weird, sometimes I probably don’t even think twice about other things, when they’re SUPPOSED to be a big deal! Ugh! I don’t know. I’m just stupid…

Anyways - my mom left yesterday morning and wont be back until Sunday night, Monday morning - the latest, so I have the whole apartment to myself and I can leave my cups anywhere I want and they wont disappear! I’m gonna have some friends come over and we’re gonna watch movies and it’ll be fun. Rad. Rock. W00t.

So im going to finish the second part of a story - remember when I took Eurotrip to zia? Well, when Alissa left, Hanse wanted to go to zia (since he didn’t go with us earlier) so we went back, and I see Sara holding a Eurotrip dvd:

”uh, are you going to buy that?”
”yeah, why?”
”cause I just turned in my copy earlier tonight and I thought you owned it so I didn’t tell you”
”this is probably yours then”

we open it up and sure enough it was. We could tell because it had an extra best buy dvd thingie with it. It was SO cool! I sold it for probably $6 and Sara bought it for $10 - definitely the coolest part of the night. So cool it was saved for the end of the entry!

Until I have things to type about again - keep it cool and kik ass.
I’m sorry for any inconvenience I may bring to you.
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