living dead girl

Jan 15, 2009 17:34

School's started. I've already written a paper. I've started reading texts and handouts. I'm getting up at 730am and finally getting home at 9pm. It's going to be a long damned semester, folks. I fully expect EVERYONE to cry at my funeral sometime in the next few months.

- Available: not really
- Age: 20
- Annoyance: people who don't know how to operate doors
- Animal: cats

- Beer: no
- Birthday: April 30, 1988
- Best Friends: francis
- Body Part on opposite sex: depends on what he's got
- Best feeling in the world: going home after you've finished all of your finals for the semester and getting to sleep
- Best weather: clouds and rain
- Been in Love: yes
- Been on stage: not if I can help it
- Believe in Magic: not so far
- Believe in God: not the same one as everyone else
- Believe in Santa: not since I was 8

- Candy: bad habit
- Color: purple, black, green
- Chocolate/Vanilla: vanilla
- Chinese/Mexican: Chinese
- Cake or pie: cake
- Continent/Country to visit: never been out of North America, but I'd like to if I ever have the
- Cheese: monterey jack

- Day or Night: day ever since I got to Richmond (everything closes with the sunset here...)
- Dance in the rain: yes

- Eggs: in a basket
- Eyes: green
- Everyone's got a(n): genet
- Ever failed a class: nada

- Full name: Elizabeth Ashley Martorell
- Food: I hate onions, peppers, and celery

- Greatest Fear: not being good enough, I guess
- Goals: decide what I want to do for the rest of my life, make it through this next semester, get into grad school, not go insane
- Gum: not really my thing
- Get along with your parents: sure
- Good luck charm: I don't know what it is, but it always seems to come through for me

- Hair Color: brunette
- Height: 5'9" or so
- Happy: most of the time, I guess
- Holiday: Halloween and Thanksgiving
- How do you want to die: haven't decided

- Ice Cream: pumpkin, cookie dough, cookies & cream
- Instrument: never had the chance to give any a real try

- Jewelry: necklace and earrings from Francis, ring and watch from mother
- Job: receptionist for money, lab tech for insanity

- Kids: never
- Kickboxing or Karate: I grew up watching Jackie Chan movies
- Keep a journal: ahem

- Longest Car Ride: Rhode Island to California when I was about 3
- Love: yes
- Letter: f
- Laughed so hard you cried: sometimes

- Milk flavor: 1%
- Movies: I can appreciate just about anything aside from the painfully dumb ones
- Motion sickness: CLOVERFIELD
- McD’s or BK: no

- Number of Siblings: 1
- Number of Piercings: 2
- Number: 3 and 5

- One wish: don't want to tempt fate

- Perfect Pizza: pineapple
- Pepsi/Coke: don't like soda

- Quail: Cheney?

- Reason to cry: there's a few
- Reality T.V.: you can't make me
- Radio Station: I prefer the Beach's assortment over Richmond's
- Roll your tongue in a circle: yes
- Ring size: I don't even remember anymore

- Song: changes every other day
- Shoe size: 9
- Salad Dressing: ranch or asian sesame or tomato bacon
- Sushi: no
- Skipped school: oh yes
- Slept outside: called it camping
- Skinny dipped: yes
- Shower daily: unless school projects intervene (and they do)
- Sing well: no
- In the shower: takes me about forever
- Swear: a healthy amount
- Strawberries/Blueberries: both

- Time for bed: about midnight
- Thunderstorms: yes

- Unpredictable: sometimes

- Vacation spot: I want to go somewhere remarkable someday

- Weakness: kitties, saying no
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: I'm not sure anyone does
- Who makes you laugh the most: Kitty
- Worst feeling: being second best all the time
- Wanted to be a model: not really
- Where do we go when we die: nowhere
- Worst Weather: humid Virginia summers

- X-Rays: a few
- Ex's: I don't talk to most of them anymore; we all moved away anyways

- Year it is now: 2009
- Yellow: is an okay song, I guess

- Zoo animal: panda

1. Slept in a bed beside you? Francis
2. You went to the mall with? Francis and his parents
3. You went to dinner with? my parents
4. You talked to on the phone? my mother/someone calling for the accountant on the Richmond Ballet phone
5. Made you laugh? Francis
6. Hugged you? Francis
7. Said they loved you? Francis
8. Held your hand? Francis
9. Spoke with teacher? my China professor (likes us to call her Michelle)
10. You cried over? I don't remember
11. Last person you texted? either Shaina or Francis

never have i ever

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