Jan 02, 2007 03:08
First of all, I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone for making 2006 an interesting, fun-filled year. Thanks to the people who were there for me, through thick and thin, and always attempting to cheer me up when I was down. This past year was one of the most difficult years of my life, for now, just because of the transformation that I went through, with friends and classes and just stress related topics. I have great friends and a great family, even if I fight with them and don't agree with everything they say.
This year, I want to do something different. I want to be more spontaneous. I want to do something drastic that I would NEVER do. I want to get straight A's while maintaining a job. I want to find a job that pays good and that can make me a more responsible indiviual. I want to make more friends and create a stronger bond with the friends and acquaintances that I have right now. I also want to strengthen the bond that I lack with my family. I want to start a relationship with someone and actually break the whole 3rd wheel thing that's going on right now. Lastly, I want to volunteer again at the hospital and other places that I can.
My New Years was pretty good for the most part. I'm actually kind of happy that I was with my family when the ball dropped at midnight. It was fun hanging out with my friends too. We didn't do much but it was good to just be with them. I found some stuff out that was pretty interesting that's making me rethink about everything that's going on right now. It was definitely good to have a long conversation and just to get out everything I felt and that was eating me away. I guess I just want things to clear up and hopefully they will.
Well, I guess that's just all i have to say right now. I hope everyone is having a great vacation and enjoying themselves. Hope to see you all soon.