My spidey senses are tingling...

Jun 09, 2007 11:59

So, I've been thinking about the levels of disappointment I'm going to experience on July 21 (mostly spurred by a conversation I had earlier this week with
thehalflie, in which we discussed the extreme levels of excitement that Harry Potter drove us to when we were younger, before such things as critical thinking emerged), and that led me to think about the things that will never in a million years happen in canon, but would bring me great joy...

So... What if all of HBP was Narcissa pulling strings, from the Spinner's End chapter onwards.  (During the process of my ponderings, I also came to the conclusion that I like Narcissa.  Mostly because she managed to manipulate Snape into the Vow, but also because she's kind of a wild card; her two sisters stand on opposite ends of the sociopath spectrum, so does that put her in the middle somewhere?)  Of course, the strings being pulled are mostly to get her husband out of prison and keep her son from being killed, but I like to think that she has the personal motivation of taking over the world somewhere in there.  (Unfortunately, this would not be a pleasant turn of events for Lucius - debauchery is hard enough when your wife isn't the most recent Dark Lord.)

I'd like to go into specifics on this, but, let's face it, my canon knowledge from the fifth and sixth books is almost non-existent (hated OotP and told myself that I wouldn't reread HBP until I reread it, so I've yet to do either), so we'll skip the rationalising bit.

Suffice it to say that, due to her membership in the Death Eaters' Wives Club, she knows certain pieces of information and uses these to strike a deal with somebody not on Voldemort's side, successfully manipulates Snape into saving her son, and still comes out of it all looking peachy to the sociopath bit of her family until they are taken care of.

dh, hp

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