(no subject)

Apr 26, 2011 08:46

Last night, I returned home from a fun-filled weekend of camping (only a bit rainy), surfing (at which I am terrible, but it taught me how to empathise with my clothing when in a washing machine), and experimental camp cooking, to find a cat who did not seem to have been too terribly traumatised by my absence and the sign-up post for the sshg_exchange.

Reader, I signed up. I was so sad about not participating properly last year, that I couldn't fail to. And I'm pretty in love with all of my prompts!

ETA: I haven't been writing much, fandom-wise, lately, so this hasn't been an issue, but... I am currently beta-less. If you are interested, please let me know, but bear in mind that I can be a bit of a collaborative writer, in the sense that I like to talk through things with people as I'm writing them, and that I tend to edit as I go (which means that I won't throw everything at you in one big pile at the end, but I will probably send you things as they are being written).

A britpicker would also be excellent.

Oh, and I am happy to reciprocate in beta duties.

ETA2: Okay, have beta, have britpicker. Hurrah! However, as I said, collaborative writer, so if you want to act as another beta, let me know. I like input. You just don't have to worry about offering out of pity any longer!

ss/hg exchange, hg/ss

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