
Feb 21, 2009 20:59

A couple of weeks ago, thehalflie and I were discussing cooking (because she is a culinary goddess, and I need all the help I can get), and we came to that lovely, complex subject of home-grown herbs.

HALFERS: I am currently growing rocket on my window sill.
ME: ... Sorry?
HALFERS: Rocket.
ME (attempting to sound full of wisdomosity): Oh, so that's what they're calling it these days.
HALFERS: It's arugula.

Which made me think of harmony_bites's post of veggie love, which in turn piqued my curiosity. I've had arugula before, but always slipped into things in sneaky ways, so I can't really recall it having a specific taste.

This made me worry that it would, indeed, prove tasteless.

You see, I am a picky eater in odd ways. I only eat heavy things if I'm in the mood, I hate anything overly salty, and believe that garlic should be put in every dish, ever. I am also a weird vegetarian: I don't like salad, mostly because I don't like lettuce. It's leafy and flavourless and inedible, unless you drown it in cheese. But I like spinach rather a lot, so there was hope. As long as arugula was more like spinach than romaine or iceberg or the other flavourless leaf of your choice...

So I went poking through Epicurious, which is the god of cooking websites and has never led me astray before, and came across this, which is absolutely freaking delicious.

Arugula, thou art the new love of my life.

I plan to make granola later-I'll let you know how that goes.

cooking, vegetarianism

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