(no subject)

Feb 20, 2009 14:13

Am holed up in the library, which is where I secretly live. I just pop over to our apartment occasionally, so my boyfriend doesn't become suspicious. Thesis is going well today, so I am allowing myself a brief foray onto LJ. (Unlike yesterday when it wasn't going well at all, and I spent hours on LJ.)

At some point this weekend, I want to type up a review of Kushiel's Dart, which I'm still mulling over two weeks later because I had such an utterly weird reaction to it-overall, I loved it, but the things I hated, I really hated. I definitely want to read the rest of the series, but I'm always bothered by the troubling bits of books that I'd really like to love without reservations.

So that this post can pretend to be purposeful and vaguely interesting, I pose you with two questions, to which I demand answers:

1) What is your favourite Pterry book?

2) Do I want a cup of tea or a fruit smoothie of deliciousness right now? (If renitaleandra suggests a meatshake, I will throw things at her. And withhold something.)

ETA: I have my snuna_exchange prompt! *smiles mysteriously* It could be one of you...

Oh, and I fucking caved and made a fucking Twitter account (with the best of intentions-I wished to follow Stephen Fry's Twitter in a more convenient way). I doubt I will use it except for stalking purposes and the occasional 160 character philosophical insight but you are welcome to add me if you want: https://twitter.com/silburygirl

I promise I will NOT post it to LJ, because I judge people who do that.

ETA 2: Unless they use a cut. Cuts make me want to read things; they pique my curiosity.

life or lack thereof, school, books

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