Demon Dean - Chapter Eleven

Aug 11, 2014 00:25

Title: Demon Dean - Chapter Eleven
Author: sil9800
Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Gabriel
Pairing: GEN - None
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/contains: Adult Language and Violence
Word count: 29.994

Summary: Picks up immediately after 9x23 “Do You Believe in Miracles.” As Dean slowly realizes what’s happened and what he’s become, Team Free Will is gutted by the loss of Dean’s humanity and must figure out how to save him while also dealing with Cas’ fading grace. All comments welcome and encouraged! WIP - Updates to follow every few days.

A/N: Welcome back! Sorry it’s taken me so long to post a new chapter! The move really kicked me in the butt and my health has suffered. I’m ok-ish now, and I’m really happy to present you with the next TWO chapters! Chapter 11 brings me current with my postings on and Chapter 12 is new to BOTH sites! I hope you enjoy as this down time has given me lots of time to ruminate on where I’m going next. There’s of course no way to prove this, but the spoilers we got out of ComicCon and TCA are eerily similar in some aspects and different in others, so I’m eager to share where I’m going! Hope you enjoy as this will end the current arc of the story as a new one begins to take shape! Now, enough of my jabbering, let’s get to the story!

**DISCLAIMER** I do not own Supernatural or any of the characters portrayed on the show and make no profit from this storytelling; however, I do have the utmost respect for those that do!


Cas and Gabriel had followed Ash into the little shack in the woods, but Cas had found the inside didn't look like a little shack at all! As Gabriel explained, Ash's heaven was an exact replica of a bar on earth called The Roadhouse, where Ash had lived and hunters frequented; however, in order for Ash to maintain a low profile, it had been hidden by an Enochian cloaking spell.

"It's nice to meet you Ash,” Cas said, “the boys told me how you tracked Azazel for them, and spoke very highly of you. But how exactly do the two of you know each other?"

Gabriel answered, "Remember I told you that I had been hiding up here after my run-in with Luci?" Cas nodded, "Well, this is the guy I was hiding out with. Ash is pretty well known in certain circles up here and has helped a lot of people. It's because of him I was able to disappear so completely. Ash is one of very few humans able to get around pretty easily up here, and the things he can do with a computer! And I swear, this guy knows Enochian better than most angels. The man is a freakin' genius!"

"Oh come now Gabe,” Ash said, “painting it a little thick aren't we?"

"Deny it all you want my friend, but we both know it's true," Gabriel said.

"Well, if you insist," Ash conceded just shy of bragging. "Now, how about a beer compadres?"

Ash grabbed a round from behind the bar and joined the angels at a nearby table. Gabriel then caught Ash up on everything that had happened since he left to help Cas. However, when he spoke of Dean’s role in getting Cas’ grace back Gabriel’s tone became noticeably softer, knowing the news of Dean’s current state of existence would upset his friend.

"Whoa, Dean's an actual demon now?!" Ash asked needing a few minutes to process. He then asked the usual questions, like were they really sure he wasn't just possessed, hoping they were wrong and trying to think of anything else it could be. However, when Cas told him about the Mark of Cain and the First Blade, and what Crowley had done after Dean died at the hands of Metatron, it finally sunk in.

Ash just shook his head and said, "I swear that boy can get into more trouble..." A minute later he slapped his hands on the table and said, "Well OK then, what can I do to help?"

Empathizing with Ash’s wanting to help, but unaware of anything he could do, Cas sympathetically said, "I'm not sure there is anything Ash, but I believe the answer may lie in a tablet that was written by Metatron and is the very Word of God on the subject of demons. However, we have to find that tablet first and then figure out a way to read it as I don't anticipate Metatron will be breathing much longer."

"Oh ye of little faith," Ash said cracking his knuckles, "I can find that tablet for ya, no problemo!"

Surprised at this unexpected development Cas simply asked, “How?”

Ash left the table to get his computer off the bar so Gabriel answered, "When I said the man was a genius, I wasn't exaggerating."

Ash sat back down at the table with his laptop and started moving a rainbow of different colored wires into different plugs, and then his fingers began tapping away at the keys. While Ash worked, Cas and Gabriel discussed how they could possibly keep Metatron alive as a back-up plan in case everything else fell through. About the time they had finished their beers, Ash lifted his head from the computer and said, "Two days gentlemen, I should be able to tell you where to find your tablet in two days."

"Impressive, thank you Ash!" Cas replied.

Ash sucked in a deep breath and pretended to polish his fingertips on his shirt, "They don't call me Dr. Badass for nothin' sir!"

Cas smiled as he and Gabriel sat uneasy in their seats, hesitating to ask for anything more, yet knowing they had no choice. Ash finally broke the silence by asking, "How about another round?" Then he grabbed the empty beer bottles and made his way behind the bar for more. "Then you can tell me why you're really here. Obviously Mr. Trench Coat didn't think I could help with this demon tablet, so I'm assuming you came for something else," he said as he returned to the table.

"Busted,” Gabriel said, “you’re right Ash, there is something else," then Gabriel went on to explain about the spell they wanted to cast to give the angels new wings.

Ash leaned forward in his chair and looked straight into Gabriel’s eyes and said, "You're kidding, right? We finally get the upper hand in getting away from those doucebags and you want my help in making it hard again?” He then leaned back again and defiantly said, “Nuh uh, no can do my friend," and took another swig of his beer.

"But that's precisely why it has to be you Ash!” Gabriel explained, “This spell requires the ‘consent of man’ and that consent has to be found inside heaven. We could have gone to any brainwashed human sympathetic to the angelic 'cause' as they know it, but we're trying to do this right man, so I figured it had to come from someone that knows the score, the real score."

Ash was still hesitant and said, "But that's exactly why I can't do it Gabe. Look man, you and I go back a few years now. You know what it’s taken to stay a step ahead of those dicks. Hell, my whole heaven is a testament to that with the Enochian cloaking!”

“In case you’ve forgotten Ash, I just so happen to be one of those dicks, and so is Cas! We’re not all bad. Some of us still believe in our original mission, to protect and serve mankind. But in order to do that, we need our wings man! You should have seen us trying to haul Metatron out of here without them, it was pathetic!”

“Then find a gym Gabe, seriously,” Ash scoffed.

“But why did we do it Ash? Do you know how many souls are lost in the veil right now? How many human souls? We broke Metatron out so we could find out how to open the gates again so they can come HERE, where they belong, because we serve man. And why do we want the angels to have wings? Because they're making a mess of things on earth and we’re trying to protect and serve mankind by getting them the hell out of there!” Gabriel then took a deep breath to settle down and said, “Look Ash, you’re doing a lot for people up here, and what you’re doing is important, but we’re trying to make things right for mankind everywhere, and we’re asking for and need your help to do it!”

Gabriel gave him a few minutes to think it through until finally Ash looked up and said, “Ugh! Fine, I know I’m going to regret this, but fine, what do you need?”

Cas and Gabriel breathed a huge sigh of relief then Gabriel replied, “Just something important to you that represents your consent.”

“Damn Gabe!” Ash replied, “It’s gotta be important to me too? You guys are killing me!”

Gabriel laughed and said, “I think you’ve already been there and done that buddy.”

Ash got up and went behind the bar and asked the angels, “Would you consider this a party or more of a business transaction gentlemen?”

Knowing exactly where Ash was going with this, Gabriel laughed again and said, “Whichever means more to ya Doc.”

Ash then grabbed a pair of scissors and snipped a lock of hair from the back of his head. “All business up front,” then flipped his hair with his fingers, “and a party in the back!”


Neither Sam nor Dean had said a word about the previous evening's events as they drove to Atlantic City. Dean because, well that was just Dean. Sam because, unlike his brother, he still needed sleep and it was damn near 5:00 am by the time the police showed up to haul that guy off to jail. As the cops were leading him out of the apartment building, Sam and Dean could hear the guy tell them that he had shot a man with solid black eyes who just stood there afterwards like nothing happened. However, when the cops asked him if he was confessing to an attempted murder on top of the murder he had already confessed to, the guy just shut up again and ducked into the car. Dean laughed hysterically, Sam didn't think it quite as funny, but still laughed just the same.

About 30 miles outside Atlantic City, Sam finally woke up as Dean stopped for gas. Thankfully he had found a relatively clean gas station so Sam used the facilities and freshened up by splashing water on his face and then running his wet fingers through his hair, the shower would have to wait for the motel. As they got back on the road again it didn't take long for Sam to broach the subject.

"So, are we going to talk about it?"

"Nope," was Dean's limited response.

"Dean, we have to talk about it at some point," Sam insisted.

After the previous evening’s events, Dean knew his fuse was short, but he also knew Sam would need some kind of response before he would leave it alone.

"Alright Sam, I'm going to explain why we're not going to talk about it and then you're going to shut up about it until this job is over, got it?"

"OK, I'm all ears," Sam said.

"Actually, you're all hair, but that's beside the point," Dean said, laughing at his own joke. "Anyway, you saw how I was back at that apartment; you saw how hard I was fighting to stay on the right side of things," Sam assured him that he had, "Well, the same thing happened with Metatron too, but I was able to get through that one by myself because Metatron was only the first kill I was passing on. Even though I really wanted to kill that sonofabitch, Cas needed his grace back, so I couldn’t do it. But last night? If you hadn't been there Sam, that murderer was as good as dead because he was the second kill I was passing on, understand?”

Sam was beginning to get it now and said, “Yeah, I think so.”

“Good. Now, I’m not proud of it, but I guess these are the things you need to know if we're gonna roll together again. Before all this, when I was on my own, I had to be real sure there weren't any humans around when I went on a hunt. I didn't trust myself, and that's the reason why. Like I told you back at the bunker, the Mark craves death Sam, I have to kill now, so when I pass on two kills… Let's just say we need to get to AC and kill this dickbag real quick! That's what I have to focus on Sam, not this couples counseling bullshit, OK?"

Sam agreed and didn't press any further. He had seen how his brother had struggled, and now he understood why. He also made a mental note that this hunt needed to be as well planned as any hunt could be, keeping humans out of the way as much as possible, and giving Dean the kill. So he got his laptop out to look over the files again while Dean looked for a motel.

After they got settled into their room Sam asked, "It's Friday right?"

Dean was pouring himself a drink to settle his nerves and replied, "I don't know man, my days all run together now, why?"

Sam double checked the calendar on his laptop and said, "Bingo! Each assault took place on either a Friday or Sunday. Judging by this guy’s pattern so far, it looks like he'll be searching for a new vic somewhere north of the 3200 block of Cheshire Street, tonight!"

"Well thank God for small favors. Anything new from the cops?" Dean asked finishing his drink and pouring another.

"Nope, you'd think three sexual assaults reported in the same area might raise some eyebrows, but with this being Atlantic City I guess it got overlooked, and besides, they think these assaults were all done by different perps."

Sam hesitated to bring up the next topic on his agenda, but then again, they rarely had to tip-toe around job-related conversations before. However, Dean had picked up on his hesitation and beat him to the punch.

"Whatever it is you want to say, just stow it Sam. I told you earlier that I don't want to talk about last night anymore, let's just work the job."

"No, this isn’t about last night. I get it man, and whatever I can do to help so that you don't ever have to go through that again, I'm right there for ya," Sam said.

"Huh, well thanks, but if this isn't about last night, then what is it?" Dean asked.

"Well it's related to last night," then he saw his brother start to argue so he quickly finished the sentence, "but it's about the job tonight! I just think we need to come up with a plan to limit the possibility of any civilian casualties.”

Dean thought about that for a second then said, “OK, what did you have in mind?”

That hit Sam a little off guard. Although it wasn’t the first time, it was pretty rare for Dean not to take the lead on a job. It also pointed out just how shaken his brother really was.

“Pretty cut and dried actually,” Sam said, “how ‘bout you check out the sewers for the shifter while I scope things out topside for potential vics. We can then stay in touch by cell for updates.”

“Sounds good,” Dean said and then looked out the window, “It's almost dark now, time to get this show on the road!”

Dean opened his duffle bag and loaded two gun clips with silver bullets and tossed one onto the bed next to Sam, along with one of the silver knives they each had for backup. Sam checked the cellphone batteries and entered their phone numbers and an address near the area where they were headed.

“Hey,” Dean said nodding towards the phones, “is that how you tracked me to that dude’s place last night?”

Sam let out a small laugh and said, “Don’t beat yourself up, you weren’t exactly thinking straight.”

“Or,” Dean paused, “maybe I was! Ever think of that hotshot?” Dean asked punching his brother on the shoulder and then zipping up his bag. Whether Dean had done it consciously or not didn’t matter, Sam felt a lot better knowing his brother at least knew when to say when, for now anyway.

Sam reached for his gun on the table next to the bed. Then, almost in concert with each other, they each grabbed their clips and tapped them on the butts of their guns, then slid the clips inside and immediately loaded a round into the chamber. They slipped the guns into their waistbands behind their backs, then grabbed their silver knives and slid them into the inside pockets of their jackets.

Once they were ready Dean walked towards the door but with one hand on the doorknob he looked at Sam and said, "I swear, sometimes I think I hate sexual assaults more than murders. This guy doesn’t hurt one more lady Sammy, he doesn’t see one more day, got it?"

"Right there with ya," Sam replied, then they headed out to the Impala waiting patiently for them just outside.

demon!dean, fanfic, supernatural, season 10, gabriel, sam, castiel

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