Jun 28, 2007 02:52
How should I begin this? I am so dumbfounded by what I witnessed that it scares me that there is a channel devoted to this way of thinking. I was channel surfing pondering over my 900 choices of satellite television when something caught my eye. Or should I say my ear.
While looking for a program to listen to while working and I happened upon a program broadcasted by a well-known religious organization. There was a gentleman, and I use the term loosely, openly bashing Abortion Rights among other issues that I will not go into right now.
As a living breathing entity on this planet I could not believe the remarks that this person was making while hiding behind his veil of religious piety.
After listening for a few minutes pondering how I would address this I had to think to myself. "This reinforces your belief that organized religion in some cases is corrupt and in contempt of itself". How could someone in such a position be toting godliness and morality while openly supporting the hate of a particular group of persons?
Now don't get me wrong. I am not an atheist by any means, I do, let me say that louder DO believe in God, but the god that I believe in doesn't have a particular place of worship, doesn't discriminate by any means and certainly doesn't need any financial support.
It scares me that considering everything that we as a society have witnessed over the past 2 decades showing everyone in plain view what some of these persons are capable of in regards to capitalizing on the requests and faith of the meek and sick that there are still those that are hiding under that before mentioned veil that get away with promoting hate.
Why do they continue to speak to everyone as if they are a Janiceps..? In other words they are talking out of both sides of their head. I have said it once and I will say it again. I would like to consider myself a votary of different religions and have, over the years, been exposed to many different religions.
Understanding what I have learned in that time I do not remember seeing anywhere in a text of any kind that the path to Godliness is HATE. How can these people, hiding under this ruse be touting themselves as Christians when the behavior that they are exhibiting is purely not godly?
Further, how can these so-called Christians knowing that there are those in this country that take what they say not as a grain of salt, but as pure and simple fact and carry out horrific crimes such as Beatings, Lynchings, Bombings, and Murder solely based on a persons choice or belief? For our God's sake show some responsibility for your words and actions!
It's not the "Moral Majority" that commits these crimes, it's Bubba Joe, sitting at home slapping back a couple of "cold-ones" after beating his teenage bride and 6 children, feeling sorry for himself, trying to get back into God's graces while HE is sitting there flipping channels and happens upon your broadcast, when he gets a bright idea and decides to burn down a ethnically diverse church or beat a homosexual or heaven forbid bomb an abortion clinic that happens, quite ironically to be patronized by a young girl who wants a better life for herself not wanting to bring another unwanted welfare baby into this world who happened to be raped by the same dumb-ass who is committing the bombing.
Which brings up another point. You there at the "Several Century Society" are spouting off that a woman should not have an abortion, but then it's many of you same people that are complaining about our welfare system and that we have way too many Americans collecting government assistance. Um, Stupid, your the ones that are telling them to "choose life".
After being sickened by what I saw, I decided to go out to your web site and I have to admit. You hide your beliefs well. Publishing stories for instance about a "Former" Gay Man that goes back to his fiancé and marries, and Multitudes of Episcopal Worshipers wanting to "Jump Faith" over the fact that there was a openly homosexual priest that was elected to the pulpit, among the mass of many eye-catching headlines that you can view on your site.
Of course though, there are many more point of views from within the "Registered Subscriber" section of your site. Hmmm. The freedom and the power of the press. I guess you feel that if you can stretch the news to fit your needs, than it doesn't necessarily mean that it is wrong or a lie. Then if you can convert these feeble-minded persons to your point of views than you can go on distorting facts as openly as you half-interpret the Bible. I know I will have to pull to the side of the road and throw up if I see just one of you running down a poor defenseless woman at an Abortion Clinic while sporting a "God Is My Co-Pilot" bumper sticker. After all, it's merely "God's Work" that you are doing...RIGHT?
Bottom line and I have heard many of you use the term. "God Doesn't Make Junk". Don't you think that there is a bit of truth to that one? Maybe if you quit hiding behind your finely tailored suits and false idealism maybe you could see what you are creating. God may not make junk but Man breeds hate. It’s a plain and simple fact.