Women are better than wine

Aug 20, 2012 06:58

I had a very good afternoon and evening yesterday and watched the film "Amadeus" at a friend's house. Unfortunately it was the director's cut and the twenty extra minutes were perhaps essential to cut.
The friend, who seems to be one of few who sticks with me, actually cooked a meal for me! I can't remember when someone cooked a meal for me. Oh, yes, my Irish friends have cooked for me several times. But 'she' did not, for about six months I think she may have cooked twice, and both times with much sighing and grumbling at the sacrifice, which made it unpleasant to eat. Anyway, a good meal, a good film and conversation.
The swimming went well with the little fellow. He now launches himself from a water-level ledge to my arms. I see this as a small step to swimming. launching himself, then jumping in, controlling his breathing, and gradual increases in distances. A process that takes years, but it worked with my two older sons.
All three of my sons were here for lunch yesterday, which was great. It was a leftovers lunch, because there was excessive amounts on Saturday, and my middle son went to the cinema.
I managed to get to the cafe, though the little lad fell asleep and did not even wake up at the smell of a peach and white chocolate muffin. I saved half of it to give to him later.
My brother is moving house today, to a new town for his new and better job. Good for him!
It is the start of the week, and on Thursday I am off to Wellington.
I get paid on Wednesday. Lots of money to go out, but little by little I am getting on top of things.
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