bb post

Jun 24, 2011 21:23

My art for meh-forget-it's big bang fic for spn-j2-bigbang - The Battle of the Lightbulb (or The Perils of Apartment-Sharing) which is a J2 [NC17 - bottom!Jared] college fic ♥ This date wasn't really easy on me as I went to Spain for a week [Rising ConII] and 2 weeks before the date I had to start/finish all my assignments my teachers had given me and I was extremely busy and hardly had any time to do anything else [including bb] >_< Still wished it was on a later day but not much can be done about it.

Their first meeting/conversation as well as the header [Jensen inviting you in].

Jared wearing his collar

Jensen wearing his scrubs.



community: lj cut, fandom: wincest, graphics: exchange, posts: public, actor: j2, serie: supernatural

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