I have a job for you.

Jun 23, 2011 20:10

So my grandpa says, taking out a piece of paper out of his working bag.

He shows me a ..lined picture of a woman and wants me to do an Andy Warhol on it.

AND it needs to be finished TOMORROW.

Oh well not like he could have asked me this any SOONER, like, a week or so y'know, so I actually have the fricking time for it !!

I'm looking at him, "Are you serious?" and he's like, "yeah," and gives me the details of what colour each part needs.

It's 8 PM, how the hell do I finish that before tomorrow ??

BUT, I can do it of course but he's asking me to make something for him, I'm like, €20 and I'll do it. To which he replies, "I'm not paying you" then I'm not doing anything for you :DD And then he threatens me [with his credit card trolololol].

...And he just pulled out 2 bills of packages he's sent out for me and demands me to either pay him or do the job.

damnit lol.

family: grandpa, school: graphics, graphics: general

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