The Almost-April Report:

Mar 31, 2010 04:58

 So I haven't posted in my LJ since January... wow.
Time for an update I guess...

I would type out some long-winded super-entry about what all's been going on since then, but honestly I just don't have the patience for that... and let's face it, you don't wanna read all that anyway lol.

Basically what I've been up to can be summed up into 3 things:

1: working on my magazine... issue #1 of Stiff Magazine was a huge success; so much so that it frankly still surprises me. I'm very thankful for all of this, just still can't believe it's went over as well as it has... got distribution through Amazon Publishing Group, both in print & digital formats, and is available (and apparently being purchased!) throughout 5 continents... yeah tell me about it... 5 freaking continents!!
We're doing the best with the print edition obviously, but the Kindle edition (for the iPhone/iPod Touch) & Adobe PDF edition aren't doing too terribly bad themselves.  Issue #2 is completed and should be available worldwide on April 5th! Here's the front cover of Issue #2:

2: Doing the DJ thing...  and actually that's also taking off much better than I ever expected... it's a lot of fun, haven't really met a crowd who didn't like my stuff... I'm known to make a good number of folks dance... and people seem to generally like working with me. I've got a couple residencies... a few regular gigs... and I get to travel all over the Southeast to lots of cool places and meet lots of new friends & reconnect with cool old friends. I've got upcoming shows already scheduled for Charlotte, Raleigh, Wilmington, Spartanburg, Augusta, Atlanta and Memphis... and in talks right now with Rochester NY, Richmond VA, Jacksonville FL, Tampa FL, Huntsville AL & Cincinnati OH. I'm really digging being a DJ on the side actually... it's a really fun experience and it's just really cool to get paid to play music, entertain people and have a good time. Good thing I love to travel I guess. =)

3: Being with a really great girl...  in just a few days, Hollie & I will have (officially) been together for 7 months, it's had a coupleups & downs sure, but not nearly as many as I'm frankly used to with a lot of my previous relationships... I'm honestly not sure if this is because I've done a lot of growing up or if I've just found a much better fit for me companion-wise... or a combination of both. Either way, I'm really happy and very thankful to have such a great person in my life. She just got a new house just off campus at WCU & we adopted a bunny (american fuzzy lop to be exact) which we're supposed to pick up this week. Can't complain.  Here's a photo of us from an ACORP meetup a couple months back:

and a photo I took of her being cute just a few weeks ago:

yeahhh lol what can I say? I love that girl! =D

Anyways, that's pretty much it... sure lots of other stuff happened, lots of cool fun and often times random adventures (or otherwise misadventures) occurred... and if I wanted to I could probably go on for hours sharing stories and what not... but you get the idea...  anyways, I suppose the best thing I can say right now is life is pretty good overall... and even on the rare occasion it's not... it always gets back that way... and whether you know me and like me, dont really know me, or dont exactly like me at all... you're obviously reading this so you must at least care a little... and for that I really do appreciate it... and I honestly hope you're doing well too.

Until next time folks (whenever the hell that might be on LJ lol)... 

- Dave Harlequin
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