"pleasure it is to hear iwis...

Mar 24, 2006 17:08

the birdies sing..."

lovely song. really, it is.

well, yesterday i slept in until 10:15 because our company had a sleep-in, and this morning we did too, except i had a duty section muster, so i had to get up at 6:35, and by the time i got back in bed at around 655, i couldn't fall back asleep. so i just lay cuddled up in the blankets and rejoiced to know that i didn't have to be awake.

tonight is the plebe spring formal. we'll be wearing mess dress, which is our most formal uniform, and my roommates and i are doing hair and make-up before-hand. i don't have a date, and i'm leaving early anyway due to a track meet tomorrow. there is going to be a receiving line, so i have to look up how best to introduce myself to the admiral and his wife, or maybe the now-colonel-soon-to-be-general, in my "service etiquette" book. oh well, i'll do that in a minute. right now i'm busy having a dance partay of two...me and my discman. woot woot!

last night the firsties who live next door to us thought we should be put on a low sugar diet, and one of them went by our open door to give us the nicest glare i've ever seen (so cute!), but meg and i agreed that it's really only fair, considering they occasionally come back smashed and blast music when we're asleep.

this weekend i'm going to start to learn to play the guitar i bought last saturday. i'm so impatient, really...i don't even have a book, so one of the guys is going to start teaching me...i'll be jammin' on joni in no time...and i am really glad julsie is where she is and i am where i am and that those two places are not one and the same, or she would have just given me a look of death and possibly taken me out for that appaling statement. anyway, it's a gorgeous thing. it was really funny, because last year i almost bought a pair of k2 "one luv" skis mainly because they were pretty (well, they had some nice kick to them, but they were more for extreme recreation that racing), and when i walked into the acoustic section of sam ash, i saw this one and thought "i want it" in much the same way i saw those skis and wanted them last winter. as fate would have it, the guys in sam ash decided that onbe was actually the best one for my purposes--good quality, but nothing expensive. for those of you who care, it's a full size, solid-top steel string made from ash (i think), which gives it a wonderfully bright sound. there are mother-of-pearl accents on it as well. i still haven't quite reconciled myself to short nails just yet, but we're getting there.

in other news that is quite apparent to everyone, i've rediscovered my long-lost relationship with livejournal, but on a less obsessive level. i knew it would happen one day. in still other news, my squad leader calls me by my first name all the time now, and it makes me smile, cos he's so nice, and he has the cutest smile i've ever seen on a guy. actually i thought he was quite a bad-ass at first--a future marine second lieutenant named patrick flores from l.a.. he was the first person to call me a p.t. stud over the summer, which could very well explain why he chose me for his squad...anyway, that's my story.

another completely random fact to know and share with the men in white when they finally come for me to make lizzie and me share a bunk bed, i've started listening to "underneath your clothes" by shakira. not only is it kinda catchy, but i find her voice absolutely facinating. in a single song, she goes from very deep, rich singing to a throaty sound to somewhat nasally to very very soft, and everywhere in between. it makes up for the occasional lack of any sort of depth in her lyrics, or so i think.

i saw a rainbow yesterday even though it was perfectly sunny outside. it was so beautiful. i decided it was there because i'd been singing songs from :rent" earlier.

well, i need to start making ramen, and then shower so i can be ready in time...i should probably also look up that etiquette stuff too...and maybe i should conn one of the guys in my company to be my date for a little while...sometimes i feel so empowered when i get one of them to offer me an arm...i become quite faluntish...ooooooookkkeeeee then, kat, that's enough from you....shut up, we already heard you moo!
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