Was I going to post something at least once a week?...

Nov 30, 2011 12:12

Well, you can see how well that concept is working.

Things have just been really busy this month, with 3 birthdays, Thanksgiving, plus for some reason the school is scheduling class activities (a swimming party & coming soon ice-skating) also - seems like they should wait til February or March when nothing is going on for most people & the kids could really use an activity, not at this time of year when it leaves you doing two things on the same day.  We have something (or multiple things) going on every weekend until after Christmas, so it won't slow down until January.  I've already decided that we're just bringing a box of cookies to the dock potluck this weekend - I can't see having time to cook (the fancy kind dipped in chocolate though, so I'm sure they'll be eaten even if not homemade).

Sadie's angel tree drive is going alright I guess - she's sitting at $505 dollars now, so halfway there with half the time gone.    A big thank you to all who have donated so far!  The bad news that previously the area of Russia she is in was listed as having total adoption costs of $28,000.  Now it has been updated, and is showing as $35-$40,000.  Ouch!  Substantially more money that a family will need to come up with.  She had only $20 in her fund at the start of November, so was basically starting with nothing before this fund raiser - and lets face it, $1000 won't make much of a dent in that revised total. So more would definitely be better!  I had a goal when we started of  $1500, rather than $1000, in which case she's only a third of the way there - hopefully things will pick up in December.

I'd like to write some kind of stirring post to pull at people's heart strings & make them want to donate, but the truth is I'm not good at that sort of thing.  If you are reading this you are either coming via Reece's Rainbow & know the conditions these kids are in, or you are related to me & have heard all about it already, so you know the need.  Perhaps you can pretend that I am more eloquent than I am & send a bit Sadie's way.  Thanks!


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