Book Challenge - Day 13

May 25, 2015 08:00

13. Favorite Genre

I would think it was obvious by now that Fantasy is my favorite genre. I rarely read anything else. High fantasy, urban fantasy, all good. It sparks my own imagination. Everything goes and I love being amazed by other people's imaginations on world building and magic systems. It is also easier for me to be completely drawn into the world.

Day 1: A book that makes you happy.
Day 2: Favorite male character.
Day 3: Favorite female character.
Day 4: Favorite book to movie.
Day 5: Book you've been wanting to read but still haven't.
Day 6: A book you wish more people knew about.
Day 7: Most surprising twist.
Day 8: Prettiest cover.
Day 9: Comfort book.
Day 10: Makes you cry.
Day 11: Couldn't put it down.
Day 12: Favorite childhood book.
Day 13: Favorite genre.
Day 14: A book you've read more than three times.
Day 15: Currently reading.
Day 16: Last book you bought.
Day 17: A book that is blue.
Day 18: On your nightstand.
Day 19: Shelfie.
Day 20: Bookmark.
Day 21: Happiest ending.
Day 22: First book in a series.
Day 23: Starts with the first letter of your first name.
Day 24: A character you can relate to.
Day 25: Recommendation.

books, meme

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