1. The subject precedes the verb in affirmative and negative sentences.
- Jack tefavi zai Washington "Jack works in Washington"
- Jack noi tefavi zai Pyonyang "Jack doesn't work in Pyonyang"
- Fino devi navi "The fire started"
- Mano noi sivi "The man is not speaking"
2. The subject follows the verb in interrogative sentences.
- Tefavi Jack zai Washington? "Does Jack work in Washington?"
- Devi navi fino? Did the fire start?
- Sivi mano? "Is the man speaking?"
3. The object follows the verb.
- Suzan biralevi vorosono "Suzan loves music"
- Paul ananfavi pino "Paul cleans the house"
4. The adverb follows the verb.
- Jack tefavi race "Jack works well"
- Donald noi ravavi vetece "Donald doesn't always succeed"
5. The object follows the adverb.
- Mi savi boce London "I know London well"
- George devi favi binuce gai Amerika "George did a lot for America"
6. The noun precedes the adjective.
- Samantha purivi cino bipule "Samantha buys expensive food"
- Anna fasuvi gesano bilale "Anna writes long letters"