So you've all probably been thinking that I've disappeared. You're all very wrong. The people I was haunting went and moved, and then new people showed up and well, they didn't tolerate the haunting so well. Damned exorcists.
But in my off time, I've been wondering - do you think that humans are really meant to spend their lives with one person? Sure, we promise that in vows, but were vows something created by people thousands of years ago to prove to ourselves different from animals that don't vow to be together for life. But some animals do stay together without the vows (as we as humans understand them), and humans with the vows often don't stay together for life.
But in all seriousness, do you think that humans naturally want to mate for life? Divorce is common ... something like 60% now, and infidelity is probably at similar rates. If people did naturally want to mate for life would that be as common. Sure, it might still exist, but as the exception not the norm.
. . .
Or am I just being an "old fogy" and misinterpreting how people think of relationships today?
Maybe if we socially accepted two forms of relationships - tender relationships (the people we love and care about it in often a more platonic fashion), and sensual relationships (the people we have sex with). Then, even if you stop wanting to sleep with the first person, but still love them for their companionship, and start sleeping with a new person, without leaving the first person. But is that fair to the second person if they want both the tender and sensual relationship?
Or would that just break down everything we know? And if it did, would that be a bad thing? And if it is a bad thing, why is it a bad thing? And if you think I should stop asking questions and pondering things I'm probably not pelvic bone enough to understand, well ... I suppose you can just say that.
I moved. Getting back online proved more complicated then it has been in the past (stupid college residence halls). Life (or the afterlife, as the case seem to be), should be better now.