The final fate of alexlucard

Dec 17, 2006 13:02

In case you missed it, the artist formerly known as alexlucard has been stalked by a "vampire hunter" whose name I can't mention lest LJAbuse can my account. No, seriously. I'd go off more, but really, the last thing I want to do is put my fate in the hands of LJAbuse right now.

Anyhow, this is primarily a note to let any friends of Lucard who haven't found out yet that (1) he was right and (2) it doesn't matter, he's now off LJ forever:

Anyway, due to a NDA that was part of the settlement I can’t talk about much. Yet. I have to kind of scour the document to see what bits of comedy gold I can give you guys. However in true sore loser fashion, I got perma-banned after rubbing their faces in this whole thing, this time ont he grounds of simply “Refusal of service” which is totally legal. So alas, I won, I got a lot of lolz out of this, it didn’t have to go to court because they realized they had about as much a chance to win as the Unabomber did, but I remain forever a pariah from a blogging community that feels they can ignore both US and international law simply because they want to. Oh well, c’est la vie, no?

Lucard has a new site, though, and there's an RSS feed for those who want to add it to their friends page: alucard_rss, and you can add it here.

The whole mess is more than a little frustrating and depressing.

st00pid, lj, no-talent assclown, wtf

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