The Friday five

May 19, 2017 16:03

1. How did you name your pets?
2. Poirot or Miss Marpel?
3. Do you have a FB account too?
4. Books - hardcover or paperback
5. Mobile(cell phone): Windows/Android or Apple?

1. Most of my pets came with names. I usually get rescues. I'm terrible at naming. I had a cat named Gatita (Spanish for female kitten, which was appropriate since I got her in El Salvador). Another was named Max because the hair on his head stood up just like that of my friend Max. I had a lovely female cat named Fred, a name given temporarily until I figured out something better - but never did. My most recent cat, Mambo, was named by my daughter. I still get confused and call her Mango sometimes.

2. Miss Marple. Not sure why.

3. Yes.

4. Hardcover when I can, or at least when I think I will hold on to the book and use it a lot. I try to limit my purchases to reference books.

5. Neither. At the moment I am without a mobile. When I have one, it's the one I get with my work and therefore a Blackberry.

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