A series of somewhat random thoughts

May 11, 2017 11:26

I went to the Mannion Lecture today to hear the Governor General talk about trust. The Mannion lecture is an annual thing for the public service and can be really interesting as different people talk about something important to them, and how it might apply to public service. Today's take-away was the idea that trust is like glue - it keeps people together (public servants and the people they serve, in this case). It struck me that the kind of glue we use matters - not all glue works on all surfaces. So, how do we connect with the public to engage and inform them about important public policy issues? We use the skills of folks like urban_squrrl, who is a whiz at innovative messages using new media (and the Twitter supremo at the Public Health Agency of Canada). She is the glitter glue that helps stodgy public servants connect with new parents on the importance of vaccination, and helps Star Wars geeks connect with messages on the importance of healthy habits.

Yesterday I cycled for an hour (to work, to downtown, to belly-dance class and then home). I did about 90 minutes of belly-dancing. At about 12:30, I was struck with massive hamstring cramps, despite having done some stretching.

When I got home, I stayed up far too late setting up a new tablet weaving pattern. I had the cards already threaded but it took a while to untangle all the bits and get the tension right. I was not assisted by the cats, who decided that all that string must be for them to play with. Then they bit through one of the threads and I had to replace it. I couldn't find the bitten-off part so I'm really hoping one of them didn't eat it. It is entirely possible it is just tangled up in bed sheets, and I just couldn't see it last night.

The weaving project is part of my 100 Days of Arts and Sciences challenge. Today is day 9. You can read about what I have been up to here: https://siglindesarts.wordpress.com/. As I have been organizing myself for the challenge, I have come to realize that I should have enough completed projects by next winter to enter our Kingdom arts and sciences pentathlon twice - once with early medieval projects, and once with Renaissance period projects.

As a result, I set my alarm for an hour an a half later than usual. It meant I didn't get my usual morning crafting done, but I regret nothing!

exercise, a&s, work

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