The Friday Five

Jan 20, 2017 12:22

1. How do you like your coffee? Sweet and milky. Hot is a bonus, but it's not essential.

2. How do you like your tea? Depends on the tea. Mostly just plain as my preferred teas are green or herbal, but I have recently developed a fondness for incredibly strong black tea (think Yorkshire Gold) with a bit of milk and sugar.

3. What's your favorite late night beverage? Usually something like Sleepytime tea, but sometimes there is nothing better than a Viking Thaw (hot chocolate, dark rum - preferably Screech - and whipped cream).

4. If you could only drink one thing for the next week, what would it be? Water. Not that I like it better than anything else, but I like not being dehydrated.

5. If you were on vacation, what would be the first thing you'd drink to celebrate? It's context-specific but since most of my holidays are in the summer and in the Americas, I'm going to go with a rum drink. It could be rum punch, a mojito, or rum and orange juice. If I were in Guyana again, it would be 15 year-old Demerara sipping rum. Or, if I'm back in Newfoundland next summer as planned, a Viking Thaw.


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