(no subject)

Jan 14, 2017 08:36

You know you're in Ottawa when the weather report starts with a sigh and "oh, I hope the weather doesn't go about 0C". The Rideau Canal opens today but the weather is due to warm up by Wednesday.

Last night was the burlesque show. It was so much fun! There were about eight acts - a tap dancer, hoola hoop dancer, comedian/juggler, hoop show (I can't find the words to describe her performance which involved artistic gymnastics on a big hoop suspended from the ceiling), amazing contortionist, a juggler/acrobat, and a couple of dancers. Oh, and MC was great - he was as much a part of the show as any of the performers. There was a bar and snacks before the show and at intermission (I now love caesar salad on a stick - slice of cucumber, an olive, cherry tomato and chunk of feta on a toothpick). There were fourteen of us in our group. The house was completely sold out so we ended up sitting in small groups. There was a hoola hoop contest, with contestants selected by who had a card taped to the bottom of their chair. Two of the three contestants were from our group, and each won consolation prizes of big floral hair clips. Einar immediately clipped his to his moustache, since he doesn't have much hair on his head.

Today is the first day back to swim club - yay! Then I'll be going to paint with friends. I haven't done any painting in well over a decade, so this will be interesting.


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