(no subject)

Aug 05, 2008 13:37

[Private: English]

This mistake is inexcusable. It has been quite some time since I have shown such weakness. It will not be happening again.

Perhaps the fate of Robert Belmont will be my end as well.


[TC: English]

I wish surveillance to be on him at all times from this point forward. He will have betrayed us by now; however, he has no weight to his name, particularly against ours and the words of an autopsy. I see no need to end his life as of yet if only for the sake of his children.

Everything possible will be done to ensure this is not yet another mistake.

We will await his replacement, and be on our... best behavior within the eyes of the order.

I am sorry.


[Crest: English]

We were all quite fond of him. I'm sorry that you have lost your friend, my love. I was foolish.


[Miho: English]

I regret that things have come to this point. I'm unsure what more can be said.


[Black Order Generals: English/French]

One of my Knights has defected. The specific reasons are unknown, but I can only assume that it has to do with the death of Eugene Devereux, our previous General. His passing seems to have effected him on a very deep level.

It is.. very unfortunate that I need do this...

His name is Miho Potrovati

His ability is Illusion.

I'm unsure of his plans or his mental stability. Because of this I believe it best to remain vigilant, but that is not to say that I believe he has any intention of acting against the Black Order at this time.

I also regret that this has come at such an inconvenient time, as I've heard a bit of what has happened in Rome. If any resources are needed please do not hesitate.


cole gates, benjamin gaylord nooyi, mireille charenton, rembrandt galliard, miho jonquille potrovati

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