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Jul 26, 2008 23:09

I got this in my e-mail today.

How to Put Your Game Face On

The Game Face is an essential tactic in any competitive event. It describes any facial expression that conceals emotion. There are several different approaches to achieve this state of deceit. The most common of these techniques is the "Thug Mug," more commonly referred to as the ice grill. This version includes the use of malice and hostility to block out any intimation of authentic emotion. Another common method is the "Poker Face." This approach requires an absolute lack of facial expression. Often this technique is more difficult to master.


1. Focus on your opponent.
2. Imagine them as snarling dog in a cage. It is your job to execute the dog.
3. Concentrate on repeatedly extirpating the dog in a vast array of fashions.
4. Learn to hate them. Learn to hate their family. Learn to hate their friends. Learn to hate their fans.


1. Flex all of the muscles in your face creating an intimidating scowl.
2. Widen your eyes as much as possible.
3. Breathe loudly.
4. Twitch uncontrollably and spit.
5. Look at you opponent from an awkward angle.
6. Scream in pure rage (optional).


* When presenting a true Game Face talking trash is unnecessary.
* If your opponent does not buckle at the ankles with terror, you are doing it wrong.
* For extra intimidation, extend your hands in front of you in a strangling gesture or double fists.

...am I the only one who gets weird e-mails? Who is The Adelbert?

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